Conference Information
IJCAR 2024: International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning
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Conference Date:
Nancy, France
CCF: b   CORE: a*   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 23109   Tracked: 19   Attend: 6

Call For Papers
IJCAR 2024 invites submissions related to all aspects of automated or interactive logical reasoning, including foundations, implementations, and applications. Original research papers and descriptions/evaluations of working automated deduction systems or proof assistant systems are solicited.

IJCAR topics include the following:

    Logics of interest include: propositional, first-order, classical, equational, higher-order, non-classical, constructive, modal, temporal, many-valued, substructural, description, type theory.

    Methods of interest include: tableaux, sequent calculi, resolution, model-elimination, inverse method, paramodulation, term rewriting, induction, unification, constraint solving, decision procedures, model generation, model checking, semantic guidance, interactive theorem proving, logical frameworks, AI-related methods for deductive systems, proof presentation, automated theorem proving, combination of decision or proof procedures, SAT and SMT solving, machine learning and theorem proving, integration of automated provers/proof assistants in automated test generators, program synthesisers, verified compilers, intelligent systems, agent based systems, knowledge processing systems, formal methods tools and other symbolic tools, etc.

    Applications of interest include: verification, formal methods, program analysis and synthesis, computer mathematics, declarative programming, deductive databases, knowledge representation and processing/engineering, education, formalization of mathematics, trusted AI, etc.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2023-12-24
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