Conference Information
ISC'' 2021: Annual Industrial Simulation Conference
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Valletta, Malta
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Call For Papers
We invite you to participate in the 19th annual ISC'2021, which will be held from June 2 to 4 at the University of Malta, Valletta, Malta.

The aim of the 19th annual Industrial Simulation Conference (ISC'2021), the premier annual industrial simulation conference in Europe, is to give a complete overview of this year's industrial simulation related research and to provide an annual status report on present day industrial simulation research within the European Community and the rest of the world in line with European industrial research projects.

With the integration of artificial intelligence, agents and other modelling techniques, simulation has become an effective and appropriate decision support tool in industry. The exchange of techniques and ideas among universities and industry, which support the integration of simulation in the everyday workplace, is the basic premise at the heart of ISC'2021 conference.

The ISC'2021 Conference will cover the following tracks

    Discrete Event Simulation Methodology, Languages and Tools
    Artificial Intelligence, IOT AND VR Graphics Applied to Industry
    Complex Systems Modelling
    Simulation in Robotics
    Simulation in Engineering
    Simulation in Collaborative Engineering
    Simulation in Manufacturing
    Simulation in Logistics and Traffic
    Datamining Business Processes, Geosimulation AND Big Data
    Simulation in Economics and Business
    Simulation in Economic and Risk Management
    Simulation in Automotive Systems
    Simulation in the Power industry
    VR/AR Simulations in Education
    Information Security, Privacy and Applications
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-01-21
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