Conference Information
SCITA 2020: EAI Conference on Smart Societies, Infrastructure, Technologies and Applications
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Viana do Castelo, Portugal
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Call For Papers

The global networking infrastructure supports a multitude of applications carrying increasingly large amount of traffic (i.e. big data) on the global networking infrastructure. The humanity has witnessed a rapid evolution of this global networking infrastructure: an infrastructure that was looking in the past for networked applications has evolved into an infrastructure struggling to meet the social, technological and business challenges posed by multitude of bandwidth hungry emerging applications. 

Smart city applications are the latest, and most dominant and demanding applications to be supported by the global networking and computing infrastructure. Smart cities provide the state of the art approaches for urbanisation, having evolved from the developments carried out under the umbrella of knowledge-based economy, and subsequently under the notion of digital economy and intelligent economy. Smart cities encompass all aspects of modern day life, transportation, healthcare, entertainment, work, businesses, social interactions, and governance. Smart cities exploit physical and digital infrastructure, as well as the intellectual and social capital, for urban and social development. Technically, smart cities are complex systems of systems that rely on converged and ubiquitous infrastructures. The smart city phenomenon is driven by several interdependent trends including a pressing need for environmental sustainability, and peoples’ increasing demands for personalization, mobility and higher quality of life. 

The notion of smart cities can be extended to smart societies; i.e. digitally-enabled, knowledge-based societies, aware of and working towards social, environmental and economic sustainability. Since knowledge, and human and social capital are at the heart of smart city and smart society developments, the role of education should extend beyond the mainstream “education for employment” scope. It should extend to the notion of social and collaborative governance where the society collaborates to train each other in maintaining its knowledge, moral fibre, operations, good practice, resilience, competitiveness, and for bringing innovation, and becoming a knowledge-based economy. The key to such efforts would be the creation of an ecosystem of digital infrastructures that are able to work together and enable dynamic real-time interactions between various smart city subsystems.

We define smart infrastructure as, “knowledge-based, collaborative, converged, ubiquitous, self-aware, adaptive, resilient, digitally-enabled, and self-governing foundational structure; comprising hard, soft, virtual, and digital facilities and systems, and intellectual and social capital; enabling social, environmental and economic sustainability; enabling innovation and competitiveness; facilitating personalization in all aspects of modern-day and future living, the aspects including transportation, healthcare, entertainment, work, businesses, social interactions, and governance;  to meet societal, economic and other demands of organizations, cities or countries”. Smart infrastructure include Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor and actuate. High performance computing (HPC), big data, artificial intelligence, cloud, fog, and edge computing, and 5G and other communication technologies will be needed to provide the necessary intelligence, storage, compute, and communication resources for the smart infrastructure.

This Summit SCITA 2020  will bring together decision makers, top researchers, industry executives and government officials to discuss directions of smarter societies research and development.

We name this summit SCITA, meaning “the sum of all the political, economic, technological, scientific, military, geographical, and psychological knowledge of the masses and of their representatives”.

Themes and Tracks:

    Smarter Society Applications (Healthcare, Mobility, disaster management…)
    Smart Infrastructure (distributed systems, HPC, Big Data, edge computing, 5G …)
    Social Capital Development and eGovernance
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    Crosscutting Themes


We seek novel, innovative, and exciting work in areas including but not limited to:

    Smart and personalized healthcare systems for smart societies
    Smart transportation systems for smart societies
    Smart buildings, smart homes and smart energy grids
    Computational and artificial Intelligence applications for smart societies
    Big data applications for smart societies
    Mobile applications for smart societies
    Analytics for smart societies
    eGovernance for smart societies
    Social networks and media
    Modelling and analysis of smart society technologies, applications and systems
    High Performance computing infrastructure and applications for smart societies
    Artificial Intelligence methodologies, tools, software for smart societies infrastructure
    Internet and Web infrastructure for smart societies
    IoT based approaches for smart societies infrastructure
    Big data technologies for smart societies infrastructure
    Cloud, fog and edge computing for smart societies
    Studies focussed on communication networks for smart societies
    Information management for smart societies
    Security and privacy of smart society systems
    Innovation and entrepreneurship in smart society settings
    Software defined approaches for system design including networking and interactions
    Social capital development for smart societies
    Lifelong learning for smart societies
    Social capital development for smart societies
    eLearning and distance learning for smart societies
    Collaborative and social learning
    Social intervention methodologies
    Innovation and Entrepreneurship
    Smart citizens
    Smart living and living spaces
    Smart environment
    Smart economy
    Smart Grid
    Industry 4.0
    Gen-Z, Compute Express Link (CXL), and similar developments to support smart cities
    Communication technologies for smart cities including 5G, 6G, V2X, etc.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-05-18
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