Conference Information
CrossCloud 2018: Workshop on CrossCloud Infrastructures & Platforms
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Porto, Portugal
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Call For Papers
The CrossCloud workshop aims to attract researchers from both academia and industry to share and discuss their recent research and experiences in designing and operating multiple cloud systems. Work in this area extends over various topics including cross-cloud resource management, service migration, monitoring, policy enforcement, API interoperability, portability, benefit–cost analysis, and fault mitigation.

We will solicit two types of submissions: technical papers (max 6 double-column pages), and posters (max 2 double-column pages). Each submission will receive at least 3 single-blind peer reviews. If the authors wish to, they could alternatively conceal their identities in the submitted manuscript.

Technical paper authors are also encouraged to produce a poster to be displayed in the main conference workshop poster session.


Authors are encouraged, but not limited, to cover the following topics:

    Multi-cloud systems: resource management across multiple clouds and virtualized infrastructures, including performance optimization, load balancing, security, and privacy policy enforcement.
    Containers, unikernels, and serverless computing: migration, instrumentation, optimization, and management across separate infrastructures.
    Cross-Cloud agility: adaptive workload offloading, multi-cloud resource scheduling strategies (e.g. cloud-bursting), dynamic application deployment across multiple platforms, and flexibility in moving between different providers.
    Decision support systems: efficient and open application deployment, monitoring of relevant metrics among different cloud environments; cloud brokerage as a means of complexity outsourcing.
    Cross-cloud developer tools and APIs: design, maintenance, support, and performance evaluation.
    API interoperability: study cases and experiences with data and applications including managed services (e.g., MapReduce, stream processing, DB, message queues, etc.).
    Fog and edge computing: resource aggregation, segmentation, placement, and orchestration.
    Experiences: lessons learned on assembling and (re)deploying applications in heterogeneous cloud environments; costs and benefits of cross-cloud management and deployment; priorities, restrictions, and lock-in mitigation techniques and measures; challenges in existing cross-cloud platforms; case studies on building or federating multi-cloud systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-03-19
Acceptance Ratio
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