SEECT 2020: International Conference on Software Engineering, Electronics and Communication Technology
Tianjin, China
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Welcome to the 2020 International Conference on Software Engineering, Electronics and Communication Technology (SEECT 2020). The conference seeks papers on all areas of the design and use of the future high performance Electrical & Electronics Engineering and Computer Science.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Topic 1: Electrical & Electronics

Electrical Engineering
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Pulsed Power Technical and Applications
Electromagnetic Field Computation
Switch Technical
Power Electronics and Drive Systems
Power Conversion and Intelligent Control
Electric Machines and System and Drives
Power Engineering and Transmission & Distribution
Environmental-Friendly Technologies for Power Generation
New Power Sources and Applications
Semiconductor Technical
Power Market and Power System Economics
Power System Stability and Reliability
High Voltage and Insulation Technology
Electrical Power Engineering
Electronics Engineering
Power Electronics
AC-DC and DC-DC Converters
AC and DC Motor Drives, inverters
FM and PWM Techniques
Utility Interface module for Power electronics
Devices and Components
Integration of Device and System
Applications of Power electronics
Single- and Multi-Phase Inverters
Soft-Switched Techniques
Modeling and Simulation of AC-DC
Soft ware Tools of AC-DC
Converter/Inverter Topologies
Automotive applications
Power Factor Improvements
Circuits and Systems
Automotive Electronics

Topic 2: Computer Engineering

Algorithm Design
Analysis of Algorithms
Cloud Computing
Cognitive Science
Computability Theory
Computational Complexity Theory
Computational Linguistics
Computational Neuroscience
Computer Animation
Numerical Analysis
Operating Systems
Programming Paradigms
Quantum Computing Theory
Requirements Analysis
Scientific Computing
Computer Programming
Database Management Systems
Evolutionary Computation
Expert Systems
Information theory
Logic Programming
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Network Topology
Numerical Algorithms
Software Design
Software Development Process
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Symbolic Mathematics
Ubiquitous Computing
Architecture and systems design for Internet of Things (IoTs)
IoT applications and services
Crowd-sourcing and opportunistic IoT
Innovative algorithms and data analysis techniques for IoTs
Fundamentals of cloud computing
Cloud architectures & cloud storage technologies
Cloud energy efficiency
Mobile & social cloud
Big Data theory, applications and challenges
Big Data placement, scheduling, and optimization
Big Data design, models and algorithms
Big Data protection and integrity
Deployments, test-beds and field trials

Topic 3: Networks

Wireless ad hoc, mesh and delay tolerant networks
Cognitive wireless Networks
Wireless sensor networks
Mobile internet and mobile social Network
Wireless vehicle Networks
Emerging wireless/mobile applications
Security & Privacy in wireless networks
Physical layer and cross-layer security methods
Signal processing for wireless communications
Novel architectures and technologies for wired networks
Wired network survivability
Wired network control and management
Advances in routers and switches
Security & Privacy in wired networks
Convergence of wired and wireless networks
DC network architecture & protocols
DC Storage architecture
Network Management and Visualization
Network Monitoring and Industrial Tools and Technologies
Next Generation Network Administration and Industrial challenges
Disaster Readiness and Management
Network Automation

Topic 4. Control and Automation

Adaptive Control
Automated Guided Vehicles
Biomedical Engineering and Biosystems Automation
Control Education
Control Theory and Application
Discrete Event Systems
Electronic Commerce and Office Automation
Estimation and Identification
Factory Modeling and Automation
Fault Detection
Flexible Manufacturing Systems
Fuzzy and Neural Systems
Industrial Process Control
Instruments and Vibration Control
Integrated Manufacturing
Intelligent and AI Based Control
Intelligent Automation
Learning Systems
Linear Systems
Man-machine Interactions
Manufacturing Control and Automation Engineering
Material Processing and Control
Modeling of Complex Systems
Motion Control
Multi-agent systems
Network Intelligence and Network Control
Nonlinear Systems and Control
Optimal Control
Petri-Nets and Applications Petri-
Process Automation
Process Control & Instrumentation
Real-time Systems
Robust and Control
Sensor networks and networked control
Sensor/data fusion
Smart Structures
最終更新 Dou Sun 2020-05-13
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CCF完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社ISSN
International Journal of Information Management20.10Elsevier0268-4012
Security and Privacy1.500John Wiley & Sons Ltd2475-6725
Industrial Robot1.900Emerald0143-991X
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics6.100IEEE1083-4435
Semiconductor Science and Technology1.900IOP Publishing1361-6641
bIET Software1.500IET1751-8806
Nano Today13.20Elsevier1748-0132
Nano Energy16.80Elsevier2211-2855
Materials Chemistry and Physics4.300Elsevier0254-0584
cSoftware Quality Journal1.700Springer0963-9314
完全な名前インパクト ・ ファクター出版社
International Journal of Information Management20.10Elsevier
Security and Privacy1.500John Wiley & Sons Ltd
Industrial Robot1.900Emerald
IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics6.100IEEE
Semiconductor Science and Technology1.900IOP Publishing
IET Software1.500IET
Nano Today13.20Elsevier
Nano Energy16.80Elsevier
Materials Chemistry and Physics4.300Elsevier
Software Quality Journal1.700Springer