Conference Information
ITT 2020: International Conference on Information Technology Trends
Submission Date:
2020-09-04 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Abu Dhabi, UAE
Viewed: 6932   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Following the huge success of Information Technology Trends (ITT) 2019, we are pleased to announce the Seventh International Conference on Information Technology Trends (ITT 2020) in Virtual Reality & Applications. ITT 2020 will be held at the HCT-Abu Dhabi Women’s campus on November 25-26, 2020. ITT 2020 seeks submissions of papers from authors who can explore the latest applications, present innovative methods, and debate unsolved questions so as to develop solutions related to advancing applications, technologies and theories in Virtual Reality & Applications. Prospective authors are invited to submit original, unpublished and high quality research papers, addressing research challenges and advances including interdisciplinary research and applications.

Topics of interest for submission Include, but are not limited to

Virtual reality technologies
Virtual reality adoption behavior
Virtual reality business model
Virtual reality applications in tourism, events, hospitality, retail, cultural heritage, architecture, education, entertainment, health, media etc.
Development and implementation of virtual reality applications
Mobile and wearable technologies and applications
Impacts of virtual reality on value co-creation
Virtual reality for customer engagement
Enhancing customer experience via virtual reality
Multi-sensory experience via virtual reality
Cultural differences in the use of virtual reality
Legal, ethical, and regulatory issues of virtual reality
Virtual reality marketing
Virtual reality gamification
Virtual reality in smart city and smart tourism 	
Machine vision
VR sensor technology
VRML technology
Psychology in the VR
Embedded graphics system
VR application of pattern recognition 
VR games
Virtual reality audio systems
Image acquisition
Image processing
Medical image processing
Pattern recognition and analysis
Face recognition
Collaborative VR
Human-computer interaction technology
Augmented reality (AR)
Virtual enterprises and communities
Application of the virtual human body
Virtual design/ manufacturing/engineering
Digital entertainment and education
Artificial life
Various types of simulators
Three-dimension reconstruction of medical images
Haptic rendering touch
Distributed virtual environment
Intelligent virtual environment 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-08-29
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