Conference Information
SETN 2020: Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Submission Date:
2020-05-29 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Athens, Greece
Viewed: 7867   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The 11th Hellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence (SETN 2020) will be held in Athens, Greece 2-4 of September, 2020. SETN 2020 is organized by the Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Society (EETN) in collaboration with the Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR “Demokritos”, the Department of Informatics of the Athens University of Economics and Business, the Department of Informatics and Telematics of the Harokopio University of Athens, the Department of Informatics and Computer Engineering of the University of West Attica.

The Artificial Intelligence Conference of the Hellenic AI Society (called SETN) was established in 1996 and since 2002 is organised bi-annual. It is one of the most prominent forums for Greek and International AI scientists to present original and high-quality theoretical and applications research in  AI. The official language of SETN is English and international participation is highly encouraged.

Scope of Research Track 

The conference invites high quality submissions describing work in any area of Artificial Intelligence, from fundamental theoretical work to applied technologies. The conference aims to:

    bring together AI researchers, to promote knowledge dissemination and collaborations,
    inform students about the current state of the art in topics related to AI,
    promote research results to companies and facilitate the development of innovative products.

The Research Track is intended for papers presenting unpublished, substantial, novel research in ANY topic of AI either Theoretical or Applied area as follows:

Topics in Theoretical AI Research & Technology areas, but not limited to, could concern:

    Explainable AI
    Verifiable AI
    Physical AI
    Integrative AI
    Collaborative AI
    Algorithm selection
    Computational logic
    Computer vision
    Constraints and SAT
    Decision support systems
    Heuristic search and game playing
    Knowledge representation and reasoning
    Machine learning (deep learning, reinforcement learning, etc)
    Multi-agent systems
    Planning and scheduling
    Speech and signal processing
    Natural language and dialogue processing
    Probabilistic models

Topics in AI Applied Research, but not limited to, could concern:

    AI for agricultural
    AI in health
    AI for citizen services and education
    AI for robotics
    AI for industry and manufacturing
    AI in autonomous driving and mobility
    AI for art and music
    AI for environment and sustainability
    AI for IoT
    AI for cybersecurity
    AI for telecommunication
    AI for finance and insurance
    AI for law
    AI in retail and ecommerce
    AI in software engineering
    AI in Human Resources
    Trusted and privacy preserving AI
    AI for Ambient Intelligence
    AI and games
    AI, media and the public sphere
    AI and decision making
    Cross-disciplinary application of AI
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-19
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