CompEd 2019: ACM Global Computing Education Conference
Chengdu, China
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ACM Global Computing Education Conference (CompEd) is SIGCSE’s new, fourth conference held outside of North America and Europe, starting in 2019. ACM SIGCSE’s new conference is destined to be the leading global conference on computing education. It will be held in areas of the world that are not currently served by an annual SIGCSE-sponsored conference. At the intersection of computing and the learning sciences, the event seeks to promote global computing education development. The first conference will take place in Chengdu, China, 17-19 May 2019. We encourage your participation in this emerging community and welcome you to share your innovative ideas for computing syllabi, laboratories, teaching, pedagogy, and education research on a global scale.

The language of the conference, and all publications, is English. CompEd submissions will include paper sessions, panels, working groups, birds-of-a-feather sessions, and posters. The working groups will start their formal sessions on Tuesday, 14 May 2019. The main conference starts on Friday, 17 May and ends on Sunday, 19 May 2019. Should you have any questions, please contact the chairs at comped2019@easychair.org. The submission web page for CompEd 2019 is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=comped2019

Note: The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.


Papers describe an educational research project, classroom experience, teaching technique, curricular initiative, or pedagogical tool. We expect that the acceptance rate for papers will be approximately 33%. All papers should explicitly state their motivating questions, relate to relevant literature, and contain an analysis of the effectiveness of the interventions, including limitations. Initial submissions must be anonymous. 

Note that an ABSTRACT SUBMISSION is required for all papers and it is due a week before the full paper is due. Abstracts must be <= 250  words.

        Computing Education Research papers should adhere to rigorous standards, describing hypothesis, methods, results, and limitations as is typical for research studies. These normally focus on topics relevant to computing education with emphasis on educational goals and knowledge units/topics relevant to computing education with statistical rigor; methods or techniques in computing education; evaluation of pedagogical approaches; and studies of the many populations engaged in computing education, including (but not limited to) students, instructors, and issues of gender, diversity, and underrepresentation.
        Experience Reports and Tools papers should carefully describe a computing education intervention and its context, and provide a rich reflection on what worked, what didn’t, and why. This track accepts experience reports, teaching techniques, and pedagogical tools. All papers in this track should provide enough detail for adoption by others.
        New Curricula, Programs, Degrees, and Position Papers. Papers about curricula, programs, and degrees should describe the motivating context before the new initiative was undertaken, what it took to put the initiative into place, what the impact has been, and suggestions for others wishing to adopt it. Position papers are meant to engender fruitful academic discussion by presenting a defensible opinion about a computing education topic, substantiated with evidence.

    Local issues. Papers about local issues should explicitly address issues related to computer science education faced by Chinese secondary and tertiary institutions.  

Papers may contain up to 6 pages + 1 page for references. Accepted papers will be included in the proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will have a presentation of 25 minutes at the conference. See Submission and Review Process below for templates.

Please send any questions to comped2019papers@easychair.org.


Panels present multiple and multinational perspectives on a specific topic. Most panels feature approximately four panelists, and start with a brief introduction to the format of the session, the topic, and panelists. This is followed by each panelist presenting their views. Audience participation is encouraged, normally via an interactive question and answer session to conclude (approximately 30 minutes). 

Panel proposals include a topic description, panelists, affiliations, panelist position statements, and a plan for audience participation. The structure of the proposal is up to the proposers, but an abstract is customary, normally followed by an introduction to, or summary of the topic area, followed by panelist position statements and/or backgrounds, and a plan for audience participation. Reference may be included and provide attendees sources for more information. Proposals should be 2 pages maximum. Accepted panels will be included in the proceedings. Panels will be provided a session of 75 minutes at the conference.

Please send questions to  comped2019panels@easychair.org.

Working Groups

Working groups are formed by participants with a common interest in a topic related to the subject matter of the conference. The groups of 5 to about 10 participants work together electronically before the start of the conference. Working groups are expected to complete the majority of their work prior to the conference. Group members convene on Monday evening 13 May, and spend the following two and a half days, 14-16 May engaged in face-to-face work. The working group members are expected to attend the conference 17-19 May.

Every working group member must register for and be present at the conference in order to be considered a contributor to the final report. Participants present their preliminary results to conference attendees at a special working group presentation session, and submit a final report after the conference concludes. Final reports are refereed and, if accepted, are published separately to the proceedings in the ACM Digital Library.

Please also see the Working Group section of our FAQ here.
Working Group proposals are two pages maximum and  should include the following information:

    The aim, motivation for, and proposed outcome(s) of the working group. Often proposals also include an abstract giving an overview. 
    Names and contact details of working group leaders (institution, country, email address). Note that only the working group leaders need to be named for the proposal submission. Additional members can be recruited if accepted.
    Relevant experience of working group leaders (including experience organising and running teams or projects).
    An assurance that all leaders will register for and attend CompEd.

Please send questions to comped2019wg@easychair.org.

Birds of a Feather

Birds-of-a-Feather sessions (BoFs) provide an environment for colleagues with similar research interests to meet for informal discussions. The intention is for BoF discussions to lead to international research collaborations. A/V equipment will not be provided for BoFs.

BoF proposals are one page maximum. Accepted BoF abstracts are included in the proceedings. BoFs will be provided a session of 45 minutes.

Please send questions to comped2019bof@easychair.org.


Posters describe computing education materials or research, particularly works in progress. Posters enable one-on-one discussion with conference attendees. Prepared handouts are encouraged.

Poster proposals are two pages maximum. Accepted poster abstracts are included in the proceedings. Poster presenters will have a two-hour poster session.

Poster proposals should be submitted anonymously – author identities and affiliations should be left out or be generic placeholders until camera-ready versions of accepted proposals are due.

Please send questions to comped2019posters@easychair.org.


Awards will include best paper and best student paper (where the lead author is a student).

Submission and Review Process

All aspects of the submission and notification process will be handled electronically. Research papers and posters will be judged for quality and relevance through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Author names and affiliations must not appear in the papers or poster submissions (until the camera-ready versions of accepted submissions are due), and bibliographic references must be adjusted to preserve author anonymity. Papers are limited to a maximum of 6 pages + 1 page for references, and poster proposals are limited to two pages. Papers and poster proposals must adhere to ACM’s publication guidelines, and use the MS Word template or LaTeX (sigconf proceedings) template available at https://www.acm.org/publications/proceedings-template. 
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