ECADP 2020: International Conference on Electrocommunication, Computer Applications and Data Processing
Taiyuan, China
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2020 International Conference on Electrocommunication, Computer Applications and Data Processing (ECADP 2020) will take place on April 25-26, 2020 in Taiyuan, China.

ECADP 2020 will provide a unique opportunity for the Electrocommunication, Computer Applications and Data Processing professionals, scientists, engineers, educators, students and researchers from all over the world to exchange their scientific ideas, views and thoughts with fellow researchers and participants. This conference will address some of the more relevant and state-of-the-art issues and topics involved in Electrocommunication, Computer Applications and Data Processing.

All full paper submissions to the ECADP 2020 should be related to the main topics of the conference and each paper will be peer reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical and/or research content/depth, correctness, originality, completeness, contributions and readability. The full paper submissions will be chosen based on technical merit, interest, applicability, and how well they fit a coherent and balanced technical program. After a careful reviewing process, all accepted papers will be published by IEEE Press, and will be submitted to the major academic databases, including Ei-Compendex(www.ei.org), Google and Google Scholar (www.google.com), ISI (ISTP, CPCI, Web of Science,www.isinet.com) and other indexing services.

Topics of interest, but are not limited to: 

Topic A: Computer Science

Algorithm Design
Analysis of Algorithms
Cloud Computing
Cognitive Science
Computability Theory
Computational Chemistry
Computational Complexity Theory
Computational Geometry
Computational Linguistics
Computational Neuroscience
Computational Physics
Computer Accessibility
Computer Animation
Numerical Analysis
Object-oriented Programming
Operating Systems
Procedural Programming
Programming Paradigms
Quantum Computing Theory
Requirements Analysis
Scientific Computing
Computer Architecture
Computer Organization
Computer Programming
Database Management Systems
Evolutionary Computation
Expert Systems
Functional Programming
Information theory
Logic Programming
Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Network Topology
Numerical Algorithms
Software Design
Software Development Process
Software Engineering
Software Testing
Symbolic Mathematics
Ubiquitous Computing
Wearable Computing

Topic B: Artificial Intelligence Theory and Applications

Machine Learning
Pattern Recognition
Knowledge Discovery
Intelligent Data Analysis
Neural Networks
Genetic Algorithms
Medical Diagnostics
Data Mining
Support Vector Machines
Machine Vision
Intelligent Systems and Language

Topic C: Network、Communication Technology and Applications

Attacks and Prevention of Online Fraud
Cryptographic Protocols and Functions
Economics of Security and Privacy
Identity and Trust Management
Information Hiding and Watermarking
Infrastructure Security
Intrusion Detection, Tolerance and Prevention
Network and Wireless Network Security
Trusted Computing
Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Channel Capacity and Channel Coding
CDMA and Spread Spectrum
System Modeling and Simulationork Security
Trusted Computing
Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Channel Capacity and Channel Coding
CDMA and Spread Spectrum

Topic D: Big Data

Big Data Analytics
Data Science Models and Approaches
Algorithms for Big Data
Big Data Search and Information Retrieval Techniques
Big Data Acquisition, Integration, Cleaning, and Best Practices
Big Data and Deep Learning
Scalable Computing Models, Theories, and Algorithms
In-Memory Systems and Platforms for Big Data Analytics
Big Data and High Performance Computing
Cyber-Infrastructure for Big Data
Performance Evaluation Reports for Big Data Systems
Storage Systems (including file systems, NoSQL, and RDBMS)
Resource Management Approaches for Big Data Systems
Many-Core Computing and Accelerators
Big Data Applications for Internet of Things
Mobile Applications of Big Data
Big Data Applications for Smart City
Data Streaming Applications
Fault Tolerance and Reliability
Scalability of Big Data Systems
Big Data Privacy and Security
Big Data Archival and Preservation
Visual Analytics Algorithms and Foundations
Graph and Context Models for Visualization
Big Data Transformation, and Presentation

Topic E: Computing Technology

Intelligent Computing in Bioinformatics
Intelligent Computing in Neuroinformatics & Cheminformatics
Intelligent Computing in Computational Biology and Drug Design
Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing
Intelligent Computing in Pattern Recognition
Intelligent Computing in Biometrics Recognition
Intelligent Computing in Image Processing
Intelligent Computing in Robotics
Intelligent Computing in Computer Vision
Intelligent Computing in Brain Imaging and Bio-medical Engineering
Intelligent Computing in Management
Intelligent Computing in Finance/Banking
Intelligent Computing in Communication Networks
Intelligent Computing in Petri Nets/Transportation Systems
Intelligent Computing in Social Networking
Intelligent Computing in Network Software/Hardware
Intelligent Control and Automation
Intelligent Image/Document Retrievals
Intelligent Data Fusion and Information Security
Intelligent Prediction & Time Series Analysis
Intelligent Agent and Web Applications
Intelligent Sensor Networks
Intelligent Fault Diagnosis
Knowledge Representation/Reasoning and Expert Systems
Virtual Reality and Human-Computer Interaction
Optical Networks/Processing
Medical Data Base Mining and Healthcare Decision Support
Business Intelligence and Multimedia Technology
Database Systems/Operating Systems
Intelligent E-services/Smart Homes 
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