Conference Information
ICCBD'' 2025: International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data
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Luan, China
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Call For Papers
2025 2nd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Big Data (ICCBD 2025) is scheduled to take place on July 25-27, 2025 in Luan, China.The primary objective of the conference is to provide a platform for experts, scholars, engineers, and technicians involved in cloud computing, big data analysis, and digital economy research to exchange scientific research achievements and cutting-edge technologies. Additionally, the conference aims to facilitate an understanding of academic development trends, broaden research ideas, strengthen academic research and discussion, as well as promote the industrialization and cooperation of academic achievements. We extend a warm welcome to experts from universities, scientific researcher institutions, scholars, business circles, and other relevant personnel to contribute their expertise and participate in the conference. Through this event, participating scholars will have the opportunity to listen to insightful presentations by renowned experts and share leading research achievements and innovative ideas within the industry.

Topics include but are not limited to the following areas:

1、Cloud Computing

Cloud application architectures
Cloud middleware frameworks
Cloud economics
Cloud computing and blockchain
Cloud management and operations
Cloud computing models
Cloud optimization and automation
Cloud security and privacy protection
Mobile computing and edge computing
Cloud application scalability and availability
Cloud for enterprise business transformation
Network service computing
Cloud quality and performance
Distributed, and peer-to-peer search
Cloud solution design patterns
Distributed storage
Time series analysis
Cloud resource virtualization and composition
Infrastructure and platform for smart computing
Models and tools for smart computing
Cloud computing and semantic web technologies
Cloud computing architecture and systems
Cloud computing technologies and applications
Cloud applications performance and monitoring
Parallel computing and multimedia computing
Cloud computing simulations, designs, and paradigms

2、Big Data

Foundational models for big data
Big data privacy and security
Statistical models and learning
Big data systems
Intelligent information processing
Data classification and clustering
Digital city and intelligent building
5g and networks for big data
Big data archiving and preservation
Memory systems 
Big data search
Algorithms and programming techniques for big data processing
Network infrastructure 
High-performance computing
Multimedia communication technology
Multi-core computing
Fault tolerance and reliability
Visual graphics
Data analysis and data mining
Big data analysis search and mining
Distributed resource scheduling and optimization
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-02-08
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