Conference Information
ANRW 2020: ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop
Submission Date:
2020-04-24 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Madrid, Spain
Viewed: 6942   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop 2020 (ANRW’20) is the fifth edition of an academic workshop that provides a forum for researchers, vendors, network operators, and the Internet standards community to present and discuss emerging results in applied networking research.

ANRW’20 is co-located with IETF 108, which takes place in Madrid from July 25-31, 2020. ANRW’20 will take place on Monday, July 27, and is an all-day event. This gives IETF as well as workshop attendees the opportunity to exchange ideas on topics and open problems discussed at the workshop and the IETF.

The workshop combines a selected number of invited talks, presenting highly relevant previously published research, along with presentations of new research in the form of short papers and lightning papers. ANRW ‘20 accepts the following types of submissions:

    Short papers are publications that present new research that has not been previously published. For a short paper to be considered for publication, please submit work describing early/emerging results in a relevant topic area. There is a 6-page limit for short papers, including figures, tables, and any appendices, optionally followed by unlimited additional pages for references.
    Lightning papers can provide a summary of early, emerging, or on-going work as well as short updates of previously published work. This type of submission will be presented in a short, lightning-talk style, as well as with a poster. For a lightning paper to be considered for presentation, please submit an extended abstract that is no longer than 2 pages, with a maximum of one additional page for references only.

All accepted papers will be given a presentation slot as well as the option to bring a poster in order to foster additional interactions with workshop participants before and after the talk. Authors are expected to present in person, however, in limited cases remote presentation can be discussed with the chairs. Please approach the chairs if you intend to submit work but know in advance you will not be able to present this work in person at the workshop in Madrid.

ANRW ’2o particularly encourages the submission of results that could form the basis for future engineering work in the IETF, by e.g., providing input and analysis on Internet protocols or operational Internet practices, as well as influence further research and experimentation in the IRTF. ANRW ‘20 is sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM, and the Internet Research Task Force (IRTF).

Paper topics should be relevant to the standardization activities of related IETF working groups or activity in related IRTF research groups.

Topics of Interest

    Development and deployment experience of new and enhanced Internet protocols (e.g., for transport, security, or routing).
    Improvements and analysis to the security and privacy of new and existing Internet protocols, including non-standardized techniques such as e.g. onion routing.
    Practical congestion control for heterogeneous networks and novel applications.
    Better ways of specifying protocols, including usable techniques for protocol verification.
    Techniques for logging/monitoring of Internet traffic and root-cause analysis, as well as debugging of (encrypted) Internet protocols.
    Measurement and analysis of existing and new Internet protocols, behavior of Internet traffic, as well as transparency of Internet paths, including censorship and blocking.
    Measurements and analysis of wide-area privacy risks and remediation.
    Deployment and evolution of DNS, CDNs, anycast, and other wide-area services.
    Management and deployment of secure IoT systems, including key/certificate provisioning and software updates.
    Research and analysis of consolidation and centralization in the Internet.
    Approaches for decentralized and in-network computation.
    Evolution of interconnection, and new approaches on network management, operations, and control.
    Internet availability in challenging environments (e.g. natural disaster situations, remote areas, …).

Submission Types

ANRW ’20 accepts two types of submissions: short papers and lightning papers. Submissions are not anonymous. Accepted papers will be presented during the workshop, and will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Authors of all accepted papers may also bring a poster presenting its content to the workshop, for display and more in-depth discussion with interested participants during the breaks. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-04-10
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