Conference Information
E-Vote-ID 2018: International Joint Conference on Electronic Voting
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Bregenz, Austria
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Call For Papers
This conference is one of the leading international events for e-voting experts from all over the world. In 2016 the two previously bi-annually held conferences, EVOTE and VoteID, were merged into the annual E-VOTE-ID conference. The third joint conference will take place in October 2018.

One of its major objectives is to provide a forum for interdisciplinary and open discussion of all issues relating to electronic voting. Cumulatively, since 2004 some 1,000 experts from all over the world have attended this conference to discuss electronic voting and related topics.

The aim of the conference is to bring together e-voting specialists working in academia, politics, government and industry in order to discuss various aspects of all forms of electronic voting (including, but not limited to, polling stations, kiosks, ballot scanners and remote voting by electronic means) in the three following tracks below and a PhD colloquium:

Track on Security, Usability, and Technical Issues Design, analysis, formal modeling or research implementation of:

- Electronic voting protocols and systems;
- Voter identification and authentication;
- Ballot secrecy, receipt-freeness and coercion resistance;
- Election verification including end-to-end verifiability and risk limiting audits;
- Requirements;
- Evaluation and certification, including international security standards, e.g. Common Criteria or ITSEC;
- Human aspects of security mechanisms in electronic voting and in particular of verifiability mechanisms;
- Or any other security and HCI issues relevant to electronic voting.

Track on Administrative, Legal, Political, and Social Issues

- Discuss legal, political and social issues of electronic voting implementations, ideally employing case study methodology;
- Analyze the interrelationship with, and the effects of electronic voting on democratic institutions and processes;
- Assess the cultural impact of electronic voting on institutions, behaviours and attitudes of the Digital Era;
- Discuss the administrative, legal, political and social risks of electronic voting;
- Address issues of e-voting policy development and legislative processes;
- Explore aspects of public administration in the implementation of electronic voting;
- Examine understandability, transparency, and trust issues in electronic voting;
- Address issues related to data protection;
- Explore issues of public interest vs PPP (public-private partnerships).

Track on Election and Practical Experiences

- Review developments in the area of applied electronic voting;
- Report on experiences with electronic voting or the preparation thereof (including repots on development and implementation, case law, court decisions, legislative steps, public and political debates, election outcomes, etc.);

Contributions in this track will be published in TUT press proceedings only. These experience and practical reports need not contain original research, but must be an accurate, complete and, where applicable, evidence-based account of the technology or system used.

Submissions will be judged on quality of review and level of analysis, and the applicability of the results to other democracies.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-04-07
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