Conference Information
SIET 2020: International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology
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Malang, Indonesia
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Call For Papers
The International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology (SIET) is held to bring together academia, researchers, business entrepreneurs, practitioners, and policymakers who are responsible for applying information engineering and technology by leveraging intelligent computing to create and enabling a smart environment. Nowadays, the advancement of intelligent technologies, coupled with software-based services, has made the possibility of human-environment engagement and interaction more seamlessly. Since human have different conditions and different ways to engage and interact with their immediate surroundings, various aspects from sensing technology to computer processing techniques are required for a smart environment. Based on such issue, the theme for SIET 2020 will be "Sustainable Information Engineering and Technology: Intelligent Computing for a Smart Environment".

This year, SIET 2020 and its satellite events will be held in Faculty of Computer Science, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia on September 24 – 25, 2020.

Paper Format - Papers submitted for SIET 2020 should be up to 6 pages of text including figures and possible references. Any paper with more than 6 pages will be charge $50/page. The authors are responsible to ensure that the submitted papers are in the correct styles, fonts, etc.


Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

Smart systems

    Smart city
    Smart Home and Building
    Smart cloud technology
    Smart appliances & wearable computing devices
    Robotic systems
    Smart sensor networks
    Information infrastructure for smart living spaces
    Intelligent transportation systems

Domain specific frameworks and applications

    Energy independent
    Sustainable Technology
    IT management and governance
    e-Government and public sector
    e-Healthcare, e-Learning, e-Manufacturing, e-Commerce
    ERP and supply chain management
    Business process management
    Big Data Analytics & Data Mining for Smart Manufacturing
    AI & Computational Intelligence for Smart Manufacturing 
    Human-machine Collaboration
    Educational Data Mining
    Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) Analytics

Models, methods and techniques

    Conceptual modeling, languages and design
    Software engineering
    Information-centric networking
    Human computer interaction
    Media, game and mobile technologies
    Data mining
    Information retrieval
    Information security
    Image processing and pattern recognition
    Remote sensing
    Natural language processing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-11
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