Conference Information
NordiCHI 2020: Nordic forum for Human-Computer Interaction
Submission Date:
2020-04-22 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Tallinn, Estonia
Viewed: 8046   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
NordiCHI 2020 invites original papers that move the field of Human-Computer Interaction forward, be it through the advance of theory, methodology, or practice. We invite submissions of long and short papers of the highest international standard, presenting original work that significantly contributes to research and practice of Human-Computer Interaction in its broadest sense.

We especially welcome submissions that address trends within HCI in the perspective of the conference theme: shaping experiences, shaping society.


    Adaptive and adaptable systems
    Aesthetics of interactions
    Ambient intelligence
    Anthropomorphic interfaces
    Collaborative computing
    Design for development
    Design for resilience
    Design theory and methodology
    Designing for games and play
    Designing for learning and development
    Development approaches with user involvement
    Dynamics of interaction
    Education in human-computer interaction
    Enactive interfaces
    End-user development
    Ethical issues in human-computer interaction
    Evaluation methods
    Experience Design
    Information visualization
    Interaction design
    Interaction techniques and devices
    Interaction with physical things
    Interface agents and interface characters
    Models of interaction
    Multimodal interfaces
    New materials in interaction design
    Organizations and human-computer interaction
    Participatory design
    Physiological and affective computing
    Robot Interaction
    Society and human-computer interaction
    Theoretical foundations of human-computer interactions
    Ubiquitous, pervasive, and mobile interactions
    Universal design
    Usability and usability evaluation
    Usable security
    User-centred design
    User experience design
    User experience evaluation
    Value-based design
    Virtual, mixed and augmented reality
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-28
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