Conference Information
MICAD 2024: International Conference on Medical Imaging and Computer-Aided Diagnosis
Submission Date:
2024-10-23 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Manchester, UK
Viewed: 11430   Tracked: 3   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
MICAD welcomes author submission of papers concerning any branch of the Medical Imaging and Computer-aided Diagnosis, and their applications other subjects.

MICAD will provides a forum for the dissemination of new research results in the field of medical & biological imaging and computer-aided diagnosis, with special emphasis on efforts related to the applications of computer vision, virtual reality, machine learning, artificial intelligence and robotics. The conference publishes the highest quality, original papers that contribute to the basic science of processing, analysing and utilizing methods for these purposes.

Papers submitted to MICAD 2024 will undergo a rigorous peer-review process by our conference committees. Accepted and presented papers will be featured in the MICAD 2024 Conference Proceedings, which will be published under Springer's esteemed "Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering" series (ISSN: 1876-1100). Furthermore, the proceedings will be submitted for inclusion in major databases such as EI-Compendex, SCOPUS, etc.

The List Of Topics

Medical Imaging
Optical and Photo-acoustic Imaging
Image Analysis and Signal Processing
Shape Representation and Analysis
Image Reconstruction
Imaging and Genomics
Image Guided Surgery
Image-Guided Interventions and Surgery
Image Registration and Fusion
Image Acquisition Methods and Devices
Computational Physiology
Data Visualization
Statistical and Mathematical Models
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
Nuclear medicine
Positron emission tomography (PET)
Computed tomography (CT)
Cardiac imaging
Molecular Imaging
Pathology imaging
High-resolution computed tomography
Computational Anatomy and Physiology
Applications of Big Data in Imaging
Visualisation in Biomedical Imaging
Interventional Imaging Systems
Interventional Tracking and Navigation
RFID Solutions for Healthcare

Computer Aided Diagnosis
Pattern recognition
Feature extraction
Classifier design
Machine learning including deep learning
CAD workstation design
Human-computer interaction
Augmented and Virtual Reality
Databases, and performance evaluation
Medical Robotics and Haptics
Surgical Visualization
Image-Guided Interventions and Surgery
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Cloud Computing and Big Data for Healthcare

Others about Photonics 
Last updated by Jenny Ji in 2024-10-09
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