Conference Information
FPT 2024: International Conference on Field-Programmable Technology
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Sydney, Australia
CCF: c   Viewed: 61594   Tracked: 46   Attend: 10

Call For Papers
Scope and Expectations

Submissions are solicited on new research results and detailed tutorial expositions related to field-programmable technologies, including but not limited to:

    Tools and Design Techniques for field-programmable technology including placement, routing, synthesis, verification, debugging, runtime support, technology
    mapping, partitioning, parallelization, timing optimization, design and run-time environments, high-level synthesis (HLS) compilers, languages and modeling techniques,
    provably-correct development, intellectual property core-based design, domain-specific development, hardware/software co-design.
    Architectures for field-programmable technology including field-programmable gate arrays, complex programmable logic devices, coarse-grained reconfigurable arrays,
    field- programmable interconnect, field-programmable analogue arrays, field-programmable arithmetic arrays, memory architectures, interface technologies, low-power
    techniques, adaptive devices, reconfigurable computing systems, high-performance reconfigurable systems, evolvable hardware and adaptive computing, fault tolerance and
    Device technology for field-programmable logic including programmable memories such as non- volatile, dynamic and static memory cells and arrays, interconnect
    devices, circuits and switches, and emerging VLSI device technologies.
    Applications of field-programmable technology including accelerators for biomedical / scientific / neuro-morphic computing and machine learning, network processors,
    real-time systems, rapid prototyping, hardware emulation, digital signal processing, interactive multimedia, machine vision, computer graphics, cryptography, robotics,
    manufacturing systems, embedded applications, evolvable and biologically-inspired hardware.
    Education for field-programmable technology including courses, teaching and training experience, experiment equipment, design and applications.
    Note that simply implementing an application using an FPGA is not considered a sufficient research contribution. Application-based papers should emphasize novel design
    techniques, novel use of embedded resources, or clearly articulated and measured system performance benefits.

Note that simply implementing an application using an FPGA is not considered a sufficient research contribution. Application-based papers should emphasize novel design techniques, novel use of embedded resources, or clearly articulated and measured system performance benefits.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-06-19
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