Conference Information
SmartCNS 2024: IEEE International Conference on Smart Computing, Networking and Services
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Chengdu, China
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Call For Papers
The fast development of new computing and networking technologies is unleashing a broad set of innovative applications and a variety of industrial verticals, e.g., industry 4.0, healthcare and transportation. Big data from computing, networking and the application services are valuable assets for improving the Quality-of-Service (QoS) of computing and networking infrastructures and the Quality-of-Experience (QoE) of application services. How to effectively leverage big data in a smart way, incorporating computational intelligence in networks, edge/cloud computing and services, is a long-standing research question. It has received tremendous attention from both academia and industry, but still needs innovations to enable smarter computing, networking, and services. SmartCNS aims to address the important problems and challenges caused by the network and computational complexity, ultra-high QoE demands, and diverse services. The conference provides a leading-edge forum to bring together scientists, researchers and engineers in different disciplines to share their experience and ideas and exchange their novel work regarding the state-of-the-art and in-progress research on all aspects of smart computing, networking and services.

SmartCNS-2024 is planned to be hosted in Chengdu, China. The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.

Scope and Topics

Track 1: Smart Computing

    Proactive network management
    Machine learning for smart operation
    Multi-access edge computing
    Cloud computing
    Network big data analytics
    Data-driven networks
    Real-time monitoring
    Smart resource management
    Green computing

Track 2: Smart Networking

    Network slicing
    Networks for Internet of Things
    Heterogeneous networks
    Software defined networking
    Network functions virtualisation
    Smart optical networks
    Intelligent network optimisation
    Smart network security
    Novel network architectures
    Smart mobility

Track 3: Smart Services

    Internet of Things
    Edge-enabled applications
    Remoting healthcare
    Smart cities
    Smart factories
    AI and automation
    Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality
    Mobile blockchain applications
    Smart grid networks
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-31
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