Conference Information
ICDAMT 2017: International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology
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Conference Date:
Chiang Mai, Thailand
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Call For Papers
ICDAMT 2017 is the second International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology which was formed by Electrical Engineering/Electronics, Computer, Telecommunications and Information Technology Association of Thailand (ECTI Thailand) in cooperation with major industries and academies in Northern Thailand to be an annual international forum in this region. The objective is to create an opportunity for researchers, developers, designers, engineers and technologists to exchange ideas and discuss development in digital arts, media and technology for strengthening the growth of creative industries.

The conference will be held in Chiang Mai which is one of the most culturally rich cities in Indochina dating back to the foundation of the ancient Lanna Empire. The technical program will focus on researches and solutions for supporting digital economy to stabilize regional and global social development along with environmental preservation. Both oral and exhibition sessions are available as well as proposed special sessions aiming at complementing the regular program with topics of particular interest that cut across and beyond traditional disciplines. Prospective authors are invited to submit original work in full papers for oral session or extended abstract for exhibition session.

Only the papers that will be presented at the symposium will be submitted to the Xplore Digital Library. The proceedings of presented papers will be made available at the symposium by the following identification numbers.

IEEE Catalog Number: CFP17H33-DVD
ISBN: 978-1--5090-5209-7

Selected papers (Full paper only) will be published in Chiang Mai University Journal of Natural Sciences which is indexed by Scopus and Thai-Journal Citation Index Centre (TCI).
Possible topics include, but are not limited, to:

Conference Topics

    Media Systems and Implementations
        Computational model and application
        High performance computing systems
        Cloud and big data processing
        Data mining and business intelligence
        Solution for media security
        Multimedia services and technology
    Multi-signal Processing and Applications
        Circuits and systems for signal processing
        Mixed signal applications and services
        Signal security and integrity
        Information extracting and processing
        Bioinformatics and Biomedical services
    Digital Arts and Media
        Digital content for digital economy
        Geometry and modeling
        Animation, rendering and simulation
        Interactive environment
        Social agent in computer graphics
    Media and Medium Engineering
        Internet of things
        Mobile and smart devices
        Communication technology
        Multi-information network
        Multi-medium communication
    Digital Economy for sustainable growth
        Smart applications and services
        Integrated tourism solutions
        Agricultural Technology for developing countries
        Remote sensing and GIS applications
        WMS, WFS, WPS
        Mobile GIS
    Knowledge Management and Learning Organization
        Knowledge management tools and techniques
        Knowledge representation techniques to semantic modelling
        Knowledge management in organizations
        Emerging technology in education
        Technology-enhanced learning initiatives and practices
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-10-20
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