Conference Information
SEETEST 2024: South East European Software Testing Conference
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Zagreb, Croatia
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Call For Papers
Get ready for the upcoming SEETEST 2024, the renowned international software testing conference, set to unfold on September 26-27, 2024, for the first time in the vibrant city of Zagreb, Croatia, and accessible online. Embracing our hybrid approach once again, we're ensuring that everyone, regardless of location, can partake in this enriching learning experience from the comfort of their homes.

SEETEST, organized by the South East European Testing Board (SEETB), takes its physical location to different countries each year. We're excited to reveal that the much-anticipated SEETEST 2024 will mark a significant first by taking place in the dynamic city of Zagreb, Croatia, fostering innovation, collaboration, and knowledge-sharing.

This year's conference guarantees a rewarding journey, offering engaging tutorials, insightful keynotes, and ample networking opportunities. Immerse yourself in the picturesque setting of Zagreb, celebrated for its rich history, cultural charm, and warm hospitality.

On September 26, dive into 8 half-day tutorials presented by top-notch speakers worldwide. The following day, September 27, unfolds with 2 inspiring keynotes, 20 carefully curated session presentations chosen by our Program Committee through the Call for Papers, and 4 industrial slots - a fantastic chance for companies to showcase their brands.

The first conference day ends with a blast – SEETEST’s traditional Social Event! Taking place in stunning and elegant locations, the Social Event is the perfect opportunity to relax after a long day of knowledge sharing, talk to fellow testers in an informal setting and party with some great music and drinks.

As a prelude to the main event, September 25 will host several full-day pre-conference courses on various topics of interest, catering to those eager to delve deeper into the hottest subjects in the software testing realm.

Mark your calendars for September 26-27 and don't miss out on one of the region's premier software testing conferences this year - SEETEST 2024!


    Test Management
    Test Automation
    AI in Testing
    Performance Testing
    Security Testing
    Agile Testing
    Testing in General
    Cloud Testing
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-02-11
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