Conference Information
CoCoNet 2020: International Conference on Computing and Network Communications
Submission Date:
2020-08-03 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Chennai, India
Viewed: 12441   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The CoCoNet'20 solicits submission of papers describing significant and innovative research contributions to the field of computing and network communications. Papers should present original work validated via analysis, simulation or experimentation. 

Track I: Network Communications

    Access Networks and Systems
    Biologically Inspired Communication and Networking
    Cloud Communications and Networking
    Cognitive Radio and White-space Networking
    Communication of Visual Data
    Communications Services and Management
    Communications Quality and Reliability
    Communications Systems Integration and Modelling
    Communications Software
    Cooperative Communications
    Cross Layer Optimization
    Emerging MIMO Technologies
    Enterprise, Data Center and Storage Area Networks
    Future Internet Architecture and Protocols
    Green Networking and Smart Grid
    Humanitarian Communications Technology
    Internet of Things and Smart Cities
    Fog Computing and Networking
    Mobile Computing and Vehicle Communications
    Mobility and Location Management
    Nano-Scale, Molecular and Quantum Networking
    Network Algorithms and Performance Evaluation
    Network Security and Privacy
    Next Generation Networking
    Network Design, Optimization and Management
    Network-on-Chip Architectures and Applications
    Optical and Grid Networking
    Powerline Communications
    Quantum Networking
    Real Time Communication Services
    Satellite Communications and Networking
    Sensor Networks and Mobile Sensing
    Signal Processing for Communications
    Situation Management
    Smarter Energy Networks and Sustainability
    Social Networks and Crowd Sourcing
    Software Defined Networking
    Switching and Routing in Wireless Networking 
    Traffic Analysis and Engineering
    Virtualized Infrastructure Architectures and Systems
    Web Caching and Switching
    Web Services and Service Oriented Architectures
    Wireless, Cellular and Mobile Communications

Track II: Computing

    Algorithmic Engineering
    Autonomic, Adaptive, Dependable Computing
    Cloud and Big Data Analytics
    Cognitive Computing
    Computational Biology
    Parallel and Distributed Computer Graphics
    Data Engineering and Distributed Data Mining
    Green Computing
    Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
    Image and Vision Computing
    Parallel and Distributed Algorithms/Systems
    Energy-efficient Pervasive Computing
    Positioning and Tracking Technologies
    Participatory and Social Sensing
    Scalable Storage Systems
    Scientific Computing
    Multicore Computing
    GPU and Accelerator Computing
    Scheduling and Resource Management
    Parallel and Distributed Embedded and Control Systems
    Resilient/Fault-Tolerant Algorithms and Systems
    Internet Computing
    Knowledge-intensive Software Engineering
    Large Data Set Computations
    Machine Learning and Cybernetics
    Distributed Multimedia Systems
    Natural Language Processing and Machine Translation
    Nature Inspired Computing
    Intelligent Computing in Signal Processing and Pattern Recognition
    Web Algorithms and Systems
    Approximate and Stochastic Computing
    Cryptographic Tools for Secure Distributed Computing
    Security, Trust and Privacy
    Assistive Technologies
    E-Commerce and E-Services
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-07-19
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bComputational Complexity0.700Springer1016-3328
International Journal of Computational Geometry and Applications World Scientific0218-1959