Conference Information
EDM 2022: International Conference on Educational Data Mining
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Durham, UK
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Call For Papers
EDM 2022: the 15th International Conference on Educational Data Mining
Hybrid format: Online and in Durham, UK, July 24–27, 2022

Theme: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) in EDM Research and Practice
EDM 2022 is the 15th iteration of the Educational Data Mining conference series. The theme of this year’s conference is Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) in EDM Research and Practice. This theme emphasizes the importance of considering and broadening who is included—or not included—in EDM, and why. Furthermore, the theme speaks to the importance of IDEA considerations in all stages of the research process, from participant recruitment and selection, data collection, methods, analysis, results, to the application of research results in the future. Thus, we welcome papers that examine inclusion, diversity, equity, and accessibility in: EDM research itself in a systemic fashion (i.e., the way we do research), EDM methods (e.g., techniques to balance demographics), and in applications of EDM (e.g., how students with disabilities might be included or left behind by EDM applications).

EDM is a leading international forum for high-quality research that mines datasets to answer educational research questions, including exploring how people learn and how they teach. These data may originate from a variety of learning contexts, including learning and information management systems, interactive learning environments, intelligent tutoring systems, educational games, and data-rich learning activities. Educational data mining considers a wide variety of types of data, including but not limited to log files, student-produced artifacts, discourse, learning content and context, sensor data, and multi-resource and multimodal streams. The overarching goal of the Educational Data Mining research community is to support learners and teachers more effectively, by developing data-driven understandings of the learning and teaching processes in a wide variety of contexts and for diverse learners.

The 15th iteration of the conference, EDM 2022, will take place in a hybrid format, both online and in-person, to facilitate participation and networking for all.

Topics of Interest
Note that a paper does not need to use a certain method to be of interest to EDM. The most important consideration is whether the paper has novel implications of interest to the EDM community, which may include development of relevant theories, new EDM methods, evaluations of EDM methods, quantitative or qualitative research on stakeholders’ views toward EDM practices, insights into the EDM community itself, or other ways of discovering knowledge of relevance to EDM.

Topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

Research related to the conference theme this year: Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Accessibility (IDEA) in EDM Research and Practice
Closing the loop between EDM research and learning sciences (e.g., informing EDM via educational theory and vice versa)
Causal inference of which factors impact—not just predict—learning
Developing new techniques for mining educational data
Deriving representations of domain knowledge from data
Privacy concerns and methods for preserving privacy
Learner cognition, metacognition, affect, emotion, and behavior modeling
Learner knowledge and performance modeling
Educational recommenders, instructional sequencing, and personalized learning
Institutional analytics (e.g., course sequencing, policy analysis)
Social and collaborative learning (e.g., social network analysis, discussion forum mining)
Replicability (e.g., replications in new contexts, platforms to enable replication)
Improving reproducibility and open science methods in EDM research
Submission Types
For all tracks, the references section at the end of the paper does not count towards the listed page limits.

Full Papers: 10 pages. Should describe original, substantive, mature, and unpublished work.
Short Papers: 6 pages. Should describe original, unpublished work. This includes early stage, less developed works in progress.
JEDM Journal Track Papers: Papers submitted to the Journal of Educational Data Mining track (and accepted before May 30, 2022) will be published in JEDM and presented during the JEDM track of the conference.
Industry Papers: 6 pages. Should describe innovative uses of EDM techniques in a commercial setting.
Doctoral Consortium: 2–4 pages. Should describe the graduate/postgraduate students’ research topics, proposed contributions, results so far, and aspects of the research on which advice is sought.
Posters/Demos: 2–4 pages. Posters should describe original unpublished work in progress or last-minute results. Demos should describe EDM tools and systems, or educational systems that use EDM techniques.
Workshop proposals: 2–4 pages. Should describe the organizers’ plan both to conduct the workshop (e.g., format, rough schedule, proposed list of speakers) and to stimulate growth in the workshop’s area of focus. Workshop organizers should indicate whether they would prefer to host their event in a hybrid format (supporting both in-person and remote attendees), or a remote-only format.
Tutorial proposals: 2–4 pages. Should motivate and describe succinctly the field or tool that will be presented, as well as a plan for attendees to learn it in a hands-on way. Tutorial organizers should indicate whether they would prefer to host their event in a hybrid format (supporting both in-person and remote attendees), or a remote-only format.
All accepted papers will be published in the open-access proceedings of the conference, except for the JEDM journal track as stated above. Papers submitted to workshops will be published separately in the workshop proceedings. All paper submissions must be submitted for double-blind reviewing.

Links to existing source code are encouraged, however, to keep the double-blind reviewing, we suggest using a service such as Anonymous GitHub (

All papers should be formatted according to the EDM template, which is available in Word and LaTeX versions (, and will soon be available in the template gallery in Overleaf. Note that the templates have recently changed to improve accessibility—thus, please make sure to use the updated template.

Papers should be submitted to EasyChair ( Select the relevant track for your submission on EasyChair, and then follow the submission instructions.

EDM will incorporate questions related to fairness, equity, and positive social impacts as part of the review process this year. Authors should thus also consider these questions while writing papers. Details are available online (; note that not all questions will be relevant to every paper, but if a question is relevant, reviewers will be asked to comment on it. In short, the questions are:

Does the paper provide detail on the demographics of the population involved in the study?
Does the paper describe how participants’ privacy rights were respected in the data collection process?
Does the paper explicitly check for algorithmic bias in some fashion, and/or replicate new or existing results across population(s)?
Does the paper include a discussion about potential positive and negative educational impacts of the proposed research artifact or application?
Does the paper discuss ethical concerns related to the work, including potentially the framing of the task?
Does the paper discuss the limitations of the work?
Does the paper describe the computational power needed for training or testing the given models?
Special Instructions
Workshop and Tutorial proposals
Workshop and Tutorial proposals should use the EDM proceedings template (LaTeX or Word) and include at least the following elements:

Length of workshop/tutorial: full or half-day
Proposed format of the workshop/tutorial (e.g., approximate timeline) and type of activities (paper presentations, discussions, debates, etc.)
Description of the workshop/tutorial content and themes
Plans for supporting remote attendees (either as a hybrid or fully-remote event)
Names, short biographies, and contact information of workshop/tutorial chair(s)
For tutorials, this biography must include detailed information about the qualifications of the proposer to conduct the tutorial on the proposed topic
For workshops, include a list of organizing/program committee members, who should be from multiple universities
JEDM Track Papers
JEDM track papers should be formatted according to the JEDM guidelines and should be submitted to the journal directly at: by selecting the option “EDM 2022 Journal Track” in the corresponding Section box.

Important Dates
Please refer to the Important Dates page.

Organizing Committee
General Chairs
Alexandra I. Cristea (Durham University, UK)
Chris Brown (Durham University, UK)
Program Chairs
Tanja Mitrovic (University of Canterbury, NZ)
Nigel Bosch (University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, US)
Workshop & Tutorial Chairs
Angela Stewart (Carnegie Mellon University, US)
Steven Bradley (Durham University, UK)
Industry Track Chairs
Carol Forsyth (Educational Testing Service, US)
Stephen Fancsali (Carnegie Learning, Inc., US)
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Neil Heffernan (Worcester Polytechnic Institute, US)
Craig Stewart (Durham University, UK)
Armando Toda (Durham University, UK)
JEDM Track Chairs
Sharon Hsiao (Santa Clara University, US)
Luc Paquette (University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, US)
Poster & Demo Track Chairs
Frederick Li (Durham University, UK)
Michelle P. Banawan (Arizona State University, US)
Hassan Khosravi (University of Queensland, AU)
Publication/Proceedings Chairs
Andrew Olney (University of Memphis, US)
Tahir Aduragba (Durham University, UK)
Accessibility Chairs
JooYoung Seo (University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign, US)
Paul Salvador Inventado (California State University Fullerton, US)
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair
Agathe Merceron (Beuth University of Applied Sciences, DE)
Online/Hybrid Experience Chair
LuEttaMae Lawrence (University of California Irvine, US)
Stephen Hutt (University of Pennsylvania, US)
Publicity/Social Media Chair
Effie Law (Durham University, UK)
Web Chair
Lei Shi (Durham University, UK)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2022-01-29
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