Conference Information
POST 2018: International Conference on Principles of Security and Trust
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Conference Date:
Thessaloniki, Greece
Viewed: 11812   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Principles of Security and Trust is a broad forum related to the theoretical and foundational aspects of security and trust.

POST was created in 2012 to combine and replace a number of successful and longstanding workshops in this area: Automated Reasoning and Security Protocol Analysis (ARSPA), Formal Aspects of Security and Trust (FAST), Security in Concurrency (SecCo), and the Workshop on Issues in the Theory of Security (WITS). A subset of these events met jointly as an event affiliated with ETAPS 2011 under the name Theory of Security and Applications (TOSCA).

We seek submissions on the foundations of information security, privacy, and trust, relevant for computer science and different application disciplines. This includes results on cryptographic and logical foundations, reasoning methods, tools, and applications. Case studies that reflect the strengths and limitations of existing foundations, methods, and their supporting tools are also welcome, as are more exploratory presentations on open questions.

Areas of interest include:
Access control 	
Cloud security
Covert channels 	
Crypto foundations
Database security 	
Distributed systems security 	
Economic issues
Embedded systems security 	
Hardware security 	
Information flow
Languages for security 	
Malicious code
Mobile security and privacy 	
Models and policies 	
Privacy and privacy-preserving systems
Reputation and trust 	
Resource usage
Risk assessment 	
Security architectures 	
Security protocols
Trust management 	
Web security and privacy
Last updated by Xin Yao in 2017-08-21
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