Conference Information
TAROS 2019: Towards Autonomous Robotic Systems Conference
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London, UK
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Call For Papers
TAROS 2019 invites both full papers and extended abstracts. The proceedings will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series. Full papers are invited from researchers at any stage in their career but should present significant findings and advances in robotics research; more preliminary work would be better suited to extended abstract submission. Full papers (up to 12 pages in LNCS format) will be accepted for either oral presentation (single track) or poster presentation. Extended abstracts will be accepted for poster presentation only.

Contributions are sought in all areas relevant to the overall goal of the conference, including, but not limited to the following topics:

    Autonomous robots
    Assistive, service and personal robotics
    Aerial robots (unmanned- and micro- air vehicles) space and planetary robotics
    Medical robotics, robots for surgery and intelligent prosthetics
    Humanoid and walking robots
    Soft and flexible robots
    Swarm, collective and field robotics
    Modular reconfigurable robots
    Human-Robot Interaction
    Multimodal interfaces
    Navigation, localization, map building and path planning,
    Analysis of robot-environment interaction
    Applications development, hardware issues, devices and techniques
    Advanced sensors and actuators
    Advanced materials and techniques
    Autonomous vehicles
    Bio-mimetic, bio-inspired and bio-hybrid robotic systems
    Evolutionary, cognitive and developmental robotics
    Robot communication and language
    Ethical and societal issues in robotics
    Robots in education, arts and entertainment
    Safety, verification and validation for robotic applications
    Learning and adaptation
    Long-term interaction and operation
    Modelling and analysis

These list of topics is not exhaustive. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the conference, relevant contributions from other fields will also be welcome.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-12-23
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