Conference Information
ICACS 2024: International Conference on Algorithms, Computing and Systems
Submission Date:
2024-09-05 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Hong Kong, China
Viewed: 11279   Tracked: 13   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
Papers in the main technical program must describe high-quality, original research. Topics of interest include all aspects of algorithms, computing and systems including, but not limited to

    ▪ Analysis of algorithms
    ▪ Ant colony algorithm
    ▪ Approximation algorithm
    ▪ Best and worst cases
    ▪ Big O notation
    ▪ Combinatorial search
    ▪ Competitive analysis
    ▪ Computability theory
    ▪ Computational complexity theory
    ▪ Embarrassingly parallel problem
    ▪ Emergent algorithm
    ▪ Evolutionary algorithm
    ▪ Fast Fourier transform
    ▪ Genetic algorithm
    ▪ Graph exploration algorithm
    ▪ Heuristic
    ▪ Hill climbing
    ▪ Implementation 	
    ▪ Las Vegas algorithm
    ▪ Lock-free and wait-free algorithms
    ▪ Monte Carlo algorithm
    ▪ Numerical analysis
    ▪ Online algorithm
    ▪ Polynomial time approximation scheme
    ▪ Problem size
    ▪ Pseudorandom number generator
    ▪ Quantum algorithm
    ▪ Random-restart hill climbing
    ▪ Randomized algorithm
    ▪ Running time
    ▪ Sorting algorithm
    ▪ Search algorithm
    ▪ Stable algorithm (disambiguation)
    ▪ Super-recursive algorithm
    ▪ Tree search algorithm

    Computing & Systems
    ▪ Activity-based computing
    ▪ Ambient computing
    ▪ Artificial and Computational Intelligence
    ▪ Big data-oriented computing
    ▪ CAD/CASE of Software and Systems
    ▪ Cloud Computing
    ▪ Cognitive computing
    ▪ Computer Resource Management
    ▪ Computing high speed sensing data
    ▪ Control Systems
    ▪ Data intensive computing
    ▪ Database Systems
    ▪ Dependable computing
    ▪ Design and Management of Distributed Application Systems
    ▪ DNA (genetic) computing
    ▪ Elastic computing
    ▪ Embedded computing
    ▪ Entertainment computing
    ▪ Fog-computing
    ▪ High-performance computing
    ▪ Human-centered computing
    ▪ Image Processing Systems
    ▪ Indeterminist computing
    ▪ Intelligent computation
    ▪ Knowledge-Based Systems
    ▪ Macro- and micro-computing
    ▪ Mobile computing
    ▪ Mobile Edge Computing
    ▪ Modelling of Client-Server Systems
    ▪ Molecular computing
    ▪ Network Computing
    ▪ Neural computing
    ▪ Object Oriented Systems
    ▪ Optical computing
    ▪ Parallel computing
    ▪ Peer-to-Peer computing
    ▪ Quantum computing
    ▪ Real-Time and Distributed Computing
    ▪ Reflective computing
    ▪ Reversible computing
    ▪ Robotic Systems
    ▪ Sensor-based computing
    ▪ Signal Processing Systems
    ▪ Soft Computing
    ▪ Software Engineering
    ▪ Time-sensitive/temporal computing
    ▪ Trusted computing
    ▪ Unconventional computing
    ▪ Urban computing
    ▪ Wireless computing
Last updated by Dunn Carl in 2024-08-19
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