Conference Information
GIoTS 2020: Global IoT Summit
Submission Date:
2020-03-08 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Dublin, Ireland
Viewed: 10406   Tracked: 2   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Global IoT Summit (GIoTS) 3-5 June 2020 in Dublin, Ireland, seeks contributions on how to nurture and cultivate IoT technologies and applications for the benefit of society.

Original papers are solicited in, but are not limited to, the following topics:

IoT Enabling Technologies

    5G Networks and IoT
    IoT Security and Trust
    IoT and Personal Data Protection
    Artificial Intelligence and IoT
    IoT Large Scale Pilots and Portability
    IoT Interoperability and Multi-Platform Integration
    Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and IoT
    Sensor and Actuator Networks
    IoT Protocols and Standards (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, WoT, oneM2M, etc.)
    Ultra-low power IoT Technologies and Embedded Systems Architectures
    Wearables, Body Sensor Networks, Smart Portable Devices
    Design Space Exploration Techniques for IoT Devices and Systems
    Heterogeneous Networks, Web of Things, Web of Everything
    Named Data Networking for IoT
    Internet of Nano Things
    Sensors Data Management, IoT Mining and Analytics
    Adaptive Systems and Models at Runtime
    Distributed Storage, Data Fusion
    Routing and Control Protocols
    Resource Management, Access Control
    Mobility, Localization and Management Aspects
    Identity Management and Object Recognition
    Localization Technologies
    Edge Computing, Fog Computing and IoT
    Machine to Machine (M2M)/Devices-to-Devices communications and IoT
    Industrial IoT and Factory of Things and Internet of Things

IoT Applications, Services and Real Implementations

    Smart Cities, Smart Public Places, and Smart Environments
    Smart Home, and IoT-based Building Automation
    Smart Agriculture and Water Management
    Smart factories and Industry 4.0
    e-Health, Assisted Living and e-Wellness
    Automotive, Intelligent Transport
    IoT-based Supply Chains
    Smart Grid, Energy Management
    Cyber-physical systems, Context Awareness, Situation Awareness, Ambient Intelligence
    Collaborative Applications and Systems
    Service Experiences and Analysis
    Consumer Electronics, Assisted Living, Rural Services and Production
    Industrial IoT Service Creation and Management Aspects
    Crowd-sensing, human centric sensing
    Big data and IoT Data Analytics
    IoT and AI techniques
    Internet Applications Naming and Identifiers
    Semantic Technologies, Collective Intelligence
    Cognitive and Reasoning about Things and Smart Objects
    Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and IoT
    Horizontal application development for IoT
    Design principals and best practices for IoT application development

End-user and Human Centric IoT, including IoT Multimedia, Societal Impacts and Sustainable Development

    IoT and Sustainable Development, including the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals ( and the International Declaration on IoT for Sustainable Development (
    Human Role in the IoT, Social Aspects and Services
    Value Chain Analysis and Evolution Aspects
    New Human-Device Interactions for IoT, Do-It-Yourself
    Social Models and Networks
    IoT and Arts
    Green IoT: Sustainable Design and Technologies
    Urban Dynamics and crowdsourcing services
    Metrics, Measurements, and Evaluation of IoT Sustainability and Roi

IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection

    IoT and blockchain
    Artificial Intelligence based security and data protection
    IoT Privacy, data protection and Security Concerns
    IoT Privacy and Security Tests, Certification, and Labelling
    Security and Data protection risk analysis and mitigation
    Identification and Authentication Issues
    Wireless Sensor Network for IoT Security
    Intrusion Detection in IoT
    Cryptography, Key Management, Authentication and Authorization for IoT
    Physical/MAC/Network Attacks in Internet of Things
    Cross-layer Attacks in IoT
    Security with QoS Optimization in IoT
    Privacy based Channel Access in IoT
    IoT Forensic Science
    Big Data and Information Integrity in IoT
    Communication Security in IoT
    Security Standards in IoT

IoT Pilots, Testbeds and Experimentation Results

    Large scale pilots on IoT
    IoT testbeds and testing tools
    Closing the Gap between Research and Implementation
    Experimental prototypes, Testbed and Field Trial Experiences
    Multi-Objective IoT System Modeling and Analysis—Performance, Energy, Reliability, Robustness
    IoT Interconnections Analysis—QoS, Scalability, Performance, Interference
    Real case deployment scenarios and results
    IoT Deployment at Government and ISPs
    IoT Deployment on Agriculture, Retails, Smart Cities, etc.
    IoT Interconnections among ISPs Analysis—QoS, Scalability, Performance, Interference
    Gaps Analysis for Real Deployment
    IoT and Future Internet Architectures
    Standardization and Regulation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-05
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