Conference Information
SPLASH 2025: ACM Conference on Systems, Programming, and Applications: Software for Humanity
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Call For Papers
Welcome to the website of the SPLASH 2025 conference.

The ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications: Software for Humanity (SPLASH) embraces all aspects of software construction and delivery, to make it the premier conference on the applications of programming languages - at the intersection of programming languages and software engineering.

This year, for the first time in history, SPLASH will be co-located with ICFP and its satellite events as a part of the joint ICFP/SPLASH 2025 conference.

We are working hard to fill the website with all related information. Please check back soon!

SPLASH-E is a symposium, started in 2013, for software and languages (SE/PL) researchers with activities and interests around computing education. Some build pedagogically-oriented languages or tools; some think about pedagogic challenges around SE/PL courses; some bring computing to non-CS communities; some pursue human studies and educational research.

At SPLASH-E, we share our educational ideas and challenges centered in software/languages, as well as our best ideas for advancing such work. SPLASH-E strives to bring together researchers and those with educational interests that arise from software ideas or concerns.

Call for Contributions

Topics of interest: SPLASH-E is a forum for educators to make connections between programming languages research and the ways we educate computer science students. We invite work that could improve or inform computer science educators, especially work that connects with introductory computer science courses, programming languages, compilers, software engineering, and other SPLASH-related topics. Educational tools, experience reports, and new curricula are all welcome. Potential topics of interest include:

SPLASH-E is a forum for educators to make connections between programming languages research and the ways we educate computer science students. We invite work that could improve or inform computer science educators, especially work that connects with introductory computer science courses, programming languages, compilers, software engineering, and other SPLASH-related topics. Educational tools, experience reports, and new curricula are all welcome. Potential topics of interest include:

    innovative curriculum, assessment or course formats
    design and foundations of new educational programming languages
    reflections on existing educational programming languages
    multidisciplinary learning environments
    integration of research into teaching and training
    individual and multidisciplinary team development
    new modes of learning and education in the digital era
    transfer of educational findings
    ethics instruction
    equity, diversity, and inclusion, in the classroom
    cross-cultural or inter-cultural aspects of education
    methodological aspects of education
    application of educational research methods in education
    online learning and its impact on educational settings and curricula
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-11-24
Acceptance Ratio
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