Conference Information
IoT-SIU 2018: International Conference On Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages
Submission Date:
2017-11-10 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Bhimtal, Nainital, India
Viewed: 10275   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
The Internet of Things (IoT) is spectacularly altering our world. An insightful impact on our living, business, actions, operations, optimizations and ways of entertainment had been observed with the aid of technology to sense, forecast and manage the physical world both personally and professionally. Data size and dimensions are on the rise at an unparalleled speed. Collective development in the field of ubiquitous computing, social networks, embedded systems, cyber attacks leads to the field of IoT, where networking, cyber, social and physical systems spheres congregate. The marketplace for IoT, sensors, wearables, clouds, Big data, infrastructure, and associated services is getting higher and bigger at an exceptional rate.

The aim of International Conference on Internet of Things: Smart Innovations and Usages (IoT-SIU 2017) is to provide an international open forum for the researchers and technocrats in academia as well as in industries from different parts of the world to interact, exchange concepts, prototypes, innovative research ideas and share the outcomes of their research work which could contribute to the academic arena and further benefit the business and industrial community.

This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for the young researchers to expose their work to international scrutiny, receive feedback from peers from different parts of world, gain from the vast experience and expertise of the leaders in this important field of research and to open up the scope for new research collaborations among the international community of participants and invited delegates. Only original and previously unpublished work on a range of topics related to the conference theme will be accepted.

The conference will be held at Nainital, Uttarakhand, during 24-25 February 2018. It will feature world-class keynote speakers, special sessions, workshops, along with the regular/oral paper presentations. The conference welcomes paper submissions from researchers, practitioners, academicians and students, and will cover myriad tracks in the field of IoT and associated research areas. Original unpublished manuscripts, and not currently under review in another journal or conference, are solicited in relevant areas including, but not limited to, the following:

High Performance and Data Computing

    Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Mining, Deep Learning, Big Data analysis and Management, Data Analytics, Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Pattern Recognition, Clustering and Classification, Deep Learning, Big Data Networking Technologies, Data warehouse and applications, Graph-based Data Analysis, Intelligent Control System, Cloud as a Service, Cloud Infrastructure, Cloud Management, Cloud Security, Cloud Applications, Cloud Computing Technologies, Grid Computing, Cluster computing.

Networking and Communication

    Ad hoc and wireless sensors network, Cross-layer Solutions, Delay tolerant network, Mobile computing, Internet and web applications, Wireless security system, Intrusion detection systems, RFID systems, Mobile Communication standards, Cognitive radio applications and spectrum management, Interoperability of heterogeneous wireless networks of different standards, IP multimedia subsystems (IMS), Network architectures and protocols, Radio transmission technologies, RFID networks and protocols, Wireless intelligent networks.

Intelligent Control and Devices

    Wearable Devices, Pervasive/ubiquitous computing and systems, Nano Devices, Single Electron, Spintronics Devices, CMOS, MEMS, NEMS, Bio-inspired computing, Organic-Devices, Molecular devices, Carbon nano tubes, Graphene, Embedded and real-time software, VLSI and Embedded Systems, FPGA, Quantum Computing, Digital System & Logic Design, Human Machine Interface, Image and Video Processing, Machine Vision, Speech & Natural Language Processing, Quantum Computing, Parallel and Distributed Computing, Medical Imaging, Reconfigurable Computing Systems, Biometrics, Genetic Algorithm, Machine Learning in control applications, Soft Computing, Neural Networks based control systems, Robot Design ,Development & Control, Human Machine interface, Intelligent control & Intelligent system, Mechatronics & Robotics, Industrial Automation, Nanotechnology and Advance Manufacturing, Non conventional and renewable energy sources, Network Security & privacy policies, Computation in emerging computer system, Software development for mobile devices, Information & System Security, Neural Network, Virtual Reality & Web Crawlers, Data management for ubiquitous computing, Visual representation of dynamic social networks, Trust networks and evolution, Misbehavior detection in communities, Multi- agent based social network modeling and analysis

Smart Innovation and Usage of IoT

    Smart Grids, Smart Agriculture and Farming, Smart Cities, Advance Manufacturing, Smart Textiles, Augmented and Virtual Reality Interactions, 3D Printing, Smart Water, Smart Healthcare, Management of Emergencies, Retail Management, Logistics management, Industrial Management, Digital Health and Telemedicine, IoT programming toolkits and frameworks, Ubiquitous computing, Ambient Intelligence Sensor Networks and Embedded System, IoT protocols and Transports, Security for IoT, Wearable Devices, Smart city theory modeling and simulation, Policies for smart urban design , Socio-technical challenges in smart city development, Enablers and drivers for smart cities, Public private partnership (3P) model for smart city, Energy efficiency for smart cities, Education and skill development, Management and operation of the smart city, Smart people and communities, Capacity building through smart and open governance, Technologies integration and network capabilities, Smart and sustainable transport system, Cloud solutions for smart cities, Role of big data analysis in smart city , Smart and green building technologies, Smart solutions for special needs people, Urban Entrepreneurships and challenges, Smart manufacturing and logistics, Smart environment and pollution control, Platforms for smart government, Anywhere, anytime access to data, Digitalization of civic services, Data and Information infrastructure modeling, Efficient emergency responses, Security and public safety in smart cities, Smart healthcare system, Innovative agriculture process, Future challenges in smart cities
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-10-28
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