Conference Information
AIHCIR 2024: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics
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Hong Kong, China
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Call For Papers
The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics is an annual event that brings together researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals from around the world to share their knowledge and expertise in the fields of artificial intelligence, human-computer interaction, and Robotics. These fields have rapidly evolved over the past few decades, driven by advances in computing power, data analytics, and machine learning techniques. As a result, AI and Robotics are now being used in a wide range of applications, from autonomous vehicles and drones to personalized healthcare and financial services.

At the same time, human-computer interaction has become increasingly important as we seek to design more intuitive and user-friendly interfaces for interacting with these complex systems. This requires a deep understanding of human behavior, cognitive psychology, and usability principles, as well as the technical expertise needed to develop sophisticated software and hardware solutions.

The International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction and Robotics provides a unique forum for researchers, practitioners, and industry professionals to exchange ideas, share best practices, and explore new directions in these exciting and rapidly evolving fields. By bringing together experts from diverse backgrounds and disciplines, the conference aims to promote interdisciplinary research that addresses real-world problems and contributes to the development of more intelligent, responsive, and user-friendly systems. 

The conference welcomes submissions of original research papers and review articles within the conference scope, as well as proposals for workshops. The conference also features keynote speeches and panel discussions that provide opportunities for participants to engage in lively discussions and debates on the latest trends and challenges in the field. 

Artificial Intelligence

    Intelligent search
    Knowledge acquisition
    Combinational scheduling
    Pattern recognition
    Logic programming
    Soft computing
    Complex system
    Intelligent robot
    Intelligent system
    System simulation technology and its applications
    Industrial process modeling and intelligent control
    Intelligent computing
    Speech recognition and synthesis
    Machine translation
    Computer perception
    Computer neural network
    Knowledge discovery and machine learning

Human-computer Interaction

    Safe driving behavior
    Usability test
    Man-machine interaction
    Intelligent interaction technology
    Human-machine hybrid intelligence
    Safe driving behavior
    Wearable device interaction
    Virtual and augmented reality interaction
     Natural language processing and interaction
     Brain-computer interface
     Multimodal interaction
     Adaptive and personalized interfaces
     Interaction in smart environments
     Human-robot interaction


    Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
    Advanced Robotics and Automation
    Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
    Machine Learning, Robot Learning
    Brain Computer Interface
    Intelligent Human-Machine Interaction
    Robotics and Intelligent Health
    Humanoid Robots
    Micro-nano Robots
    Soft Robots
    Medical and Rehabilitation Robots
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-08-07
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