Conference Information
APCASE 2015: Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided System Engineering
Submission Date:
2015-05-03 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Quito, Ecuador
Viewed: 11555   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Publication Requirements

IEEE requires a strict review process prior to a submission to IEEE Xplore® Digital Library. IEEE papers need to be thoughtfully peer-reviewed before submitting them to IEEE Xplore. Only registered and presented papers would be included in IEEE Xplore. For more information, view the IEEE Xplore site here.

Visit the following website for obtaining the necessary IEEE copyright transfer forms (PDF or Word Only) for your final camera-ready full publication: Please complete and submit the form along with your final full publication using the APCASE CMT Tool.

The best papers presented APCASE 2015 will be nominated for publication in the special edition of the IEEE Latin America Transactions journal. Please visit:

Conference Topics

The conference is structured as a set of parallel workshops listed below:

    System Theory & Applications
    Computer-aided system optimization and design
    Cooperative engineering systems
    Heuristic computation models and systems
    Biomimetic models, computation & systems
    Autonomous and autonomic systems
    Model-driven system design

    Communications & Networks
    Wireless network systems and technologies
    Security and safety systems
    Cognitive Radio Systems
    Cloud and distributed computing

    Biomedical & Health Systems
    Computer-based methods in medicine

    Ubiquitous & Ambient Computing Systems
    Cloud computing systems and applications
    Web-oriented and ontological systems
    Mobile computing and applications
    Internet-of-things (IoT)
    Wireless sensor and actuators networks
    Body area networks

    Mechatronic & Robotic Systems
    Machine vision and image processing
    Haptics and Control systems
    Sensory systems and applications
    Telematics systems
    Real-time systems and applications

    Software Intensive Systems
    Simulation systems
    Augmented reality systems
    Social network systems
    User and data centric systems

    Engineering Smart Systems
    Smart infrastructure systems
    Smart agriculture and vertical agriculture systems
    Engineering smart cities and buildings
    Smart laboratories and educational systems

    Power Systems Computing, Software & Applications
    Real-time systems and energy management applications
    Computer-based methods and algorithms for Real-time analysis
    Computational intelligence in Smart Grids
    Computer-based tools and techniques in Power Systems Operation
    Computational models for power systems expansion planning
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-04-17
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