Conference Information
RTCSE 2025: International Conference on Recent Trends in Computer Science and Electronics
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Conference Date:
Jakarta, Indonesia
Viewed: 15088   Tracked: 6   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
RTCSE-2025 is the premier forum for the presentation of Advancement in technology and research results. All the participants are encouraged for their contribution to the conference through submissions of their research abstracts and papers. Originality and unpublished results of conceptual, experimental or theoretical work in all areas of electronics and computer systems are encouraged and cordially invited for presentation at the conference. 


Track 1: Computer Networks and Wireless Communication:

    Antennas and propagation
    Cross-layer designs,
    Cognitive radio systems and networking,
    Green communication,
    Distributed resource allocation and scheduling,
    Mobile ad-hoc networks,
    Coding and Diversity
    Multicarrier Communication Systems,
    Next generation networking and wireless systems,
    Routing protocols and QoS
    Cooperative communications,
    Secure communications and Cryptography,
    Space-Time Codes
    MIMO and Adaptive antennas,
    Multimedia Information Systems,
    Parallel and Distributed Systems,
    Wireless Sensor Networks
    Optical Wireless and Communications
    Acoustic and under water electronics/communication and sonar systems 

Track 2: Power System & Power Electronics:

    Distributed generation
    Microgrid and Smart grid,
    Power system modeling and simulation,
    Power system planning and operation,
    Power quality and FACTS Technologies,
    Energy conversion techniques
    Power electronics and Drives,
    Modeling, Simulation and Control of power converters,
    Power converters for Renewable Energy Systems,
    Power semiconductor switches and soft switching,
    DC/DC converters 

Track 3: Environmental Engineering:

    Integrated management of environment
    Environmentally sustainable innovative approaches and methods
    Clean technology
    Marine pollution
    Biological and physicochemical treatment
    Environmental and health risk assessment
    Hazard characterization
    Environmental impact assessment
    Human health exposure and risk assessment 

Track 4: Architecture:

    Architectural Design and Its Theory
    Building Technology Science
    Urban Planning and Design
    Landscape Planning and Design
    Architectural Environment & Equipment Engineering
    Ecological Architecture
    Traditional Construction Materials
    Advanced Construction Materials
    Project Management
    Sustainable structures development, 

Track 5: Information Security and Cyber Security

    Data Governance and Data Leakage prevention
    Identity managment and Authentication
    Network and Endpoint Security
    Incident response management
    Enterprise Risk management Strategies
    Information Security Policies and End-user Awareness
    International Law and cyber security
    Steganography and steganalysis
    Digital Forensics
    Application Security, Web security
    Mobile Security, Cloud security 

Track 6: Energy Efficient System in Communication Network

    Energy- and power-constrained network devices
    Energy Efficient Physical layer concepts
    Design techniques for energy efficient communications infrastructure
    Optimization and analysis in green computing and communications
    Green concepts for future wireless communications, including 5G
    Energy efficient high speed big data processing
    Energy efficient networking, communication and protocols
    Energy efficiency in data center operation
    Efficient medium access control protocols
    Energy harvesting concepts for network devices
    High speed Energy efficient signal processing techniques
    Energy efficiency in wireless and vehicular networks
    Wireless energy harvesting techniques and protocols
    Measurement and modeling of energy consumption 

Track7: Speech and Pattern Recognition

    Audio, Speech, Image & Video signal processing,
    Signal processing for communications,
    Sparse signal processing,
    Human-computer interfaces,
    Remote sensing,
    Array processing,
    Multidimensional signal processing,
    Wavelets and Filter banks,
    VLSI signal processing
    Non-linear and Biomedical Signal Processing,
    Learning theory and Pattern recognition, 

Track8:Modern Trends in Electronic System, Control Applications

    Design of Electronic System using Discrete Devices
    Combinational Logic Design process
    Circuit optimization for the area or/and performance
    Electronic design automation (EDA)
    Abstract modeling
    Electronic system level design tools
    Embedded electronic system design
    State-of-the-art integrated circuits design tools
    Advanced Microsystems Packaging
    Adaptive controller design
    RFIDs and Applicatons
    Feedforward Adaptive Control
    Feedback Adaptive Control
    Nonparametric Adaptive Controllers
    Parametric Adaptive Controllers
    Design of buck-boost controllers
    Sliding mode controller applications for DC-DC converters
    Efficient design of Cycloconverters
    Variable speed drive applications 

Track 9:VLSI Design and Systems

    Field-programmable and Reconfigurable Systems,
    System-on-a-Chip Design,
    Application-Specific Low Power,
    VLSI System Design, ASIC
    System Issues in Complexity
    Low Power, Power Awareness in VLSI Design
    Test and Verification
    Mixed-Signal Design and Analysis
    Memory designs,High Speed Circuits,MEMS, FET
    Algorithms for VLSI System Design 

Track 10: Instrumentation & Control:

    Adaptive/Robust systems and control,
    Aerospace / Flight Control and Surveillance systems,
    Biomedical instrumentation and control,
    Emerging control theory and applications,
    Fractional order systems and control, Hybrid systems,
    Intelligent control and instrumentation,
    Robotics and automation,
    Sensors and instrumentation systems.
    PID controllers using FPGA Technology,
    FPGA-based instrumentation. 

Track 11: Applied Computing & Big Data:

    Image processing, Pattern recognition, Big data,
    Data mining, Artificial intelligence,
    Computer vision, Computer graphics, Cloud computing,
    Distributed computing, Bioinformatics, Semantic web,
    Software engineering, Web technologies,
    E-Learning and E-Governance, Data/Web mining and Knowledge Discovery,
    Data and Information Quality Control 

Track 12: Technology Management

    Management of Technology Innovation
    Technologies Clusters and their sustainability
    Technology for growing economies
    Patents and commercialisation
    Entrepreneurship especially in High Technology Segment.
    Environment and Unconventional Energy Development
    R&D management
    Auditing and apprising R&D institutions
    Strategic Management of R&D
    Managing Hi Tech Labs
    Financing of Technology Ventures
    IP issues in Technology is Growing Economies
    Internationalisation of Technology Research
    International technology transfer and licensing
    Emergency of new business models driven by technology
    Internet based businesses and sustainability 

Track 13: Natural Language Processing

    Language Translation and Transliteration
    Ontology-driven NLP
    Language Tagging with OCR
    Document Analysis and Understanding
    Character and symbol recognition
    Printed/Handwritten Text Recognition
    Graphics Analysis and Recognition
    Historical Document and Digital Libraries
    Text Linguistics, Document based Forensics
    Camera and video based scene Text Analysis
    Text to speech conversion
    Natural Language Interfaces
    Domain-Specific Translators
    Semantic tagging
    Morphological Analysis
    Text Summarization
    Language Identification
    Information Extraction and Sentiment Analysis
    Opinion Mining
    Information Retrieval
    Social Networking and Privacy 

Track 14:Algorithm and Data Structures

    Algorithms and Data Structures (Experimentation and Theoretical)
    Algorithmic Game Theory
    Approximation Algorithms
    Complexity Theory
    Graph theory, Drawing and Information Visualization
    Graph Theory, Communication Networks, and Optimization
    Parallel and Distributed Computing
    Computational Learning Theory and Knowledge Discovery
    Cryptography, Reliability and Security, and Database Theory
    Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
    Computational Algebra, Geometry, and Number Theory 

Track 15: Innovative Technologies and Services for Smart Cities

    Enabling wireless and mobile technologies for smart cities
    Intelligent infrastructure
    Smart healthcare and emergency management and Emergency Services
    Smart buildings
    Smart data for social entrepreneurship and community engagement
    Citizen engagement and smart governance
    Data privacy and security issues in smart cities
    Smart city theory, modeling, and simulation
    Sensing and Internet of Things (IoT) for smart cities
    Smart environment and policy development
    Open data and big data analytics
    Application, deployment, test-bed, and experiences in smart cities
    Sensors and actuators
    Energy flows, consumption, production and Energy management
    Digital city and smart growth
    Cloud computing and network infrastructures to support smart cities
    Smart economy development
    Smart city for special needs
    Smart E-health systems
    Smart transportation and Pedestrian and bicyclist safety
    Safety and security systems
    Advanced communication systems and approaches for smart cities
    Connected Vehicle (CV) technologies 

Track 16: Veterans and Engineering

    Energy Systems And Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP)
    Veterans Energy Systems and Technology (VTEC)
    Disabled Veterans Workforce Development
    STEM and STEAM Education for Veterans
    Troops to Engineers Program (TEP)
    Troops to Teachers Program (TTP) 

Track 17: Electrical Engineering Education

    The use of educational technology to improve student engagement
    Undergraduate student experiences in electrical/electronic engineering
    Enhancing practical laboratory work for engineering students
    Assessment strategies, including audio and video reporting
    Curriculum development focusing on graduate attributes
    Development and assessment of learning outcomes
    Gamification in electrical/electronic engineering 

Track 18:Engineering...

    Advanced Energy
    Fluids Engineering
    Heat Transfer
    Design Engineering
    Materials and Energy Recovery
    Applied Mechanics
    Rail Transportation
    Internal Combustion Engines
    Environmental Engineering and more... 

Track 19: Art & Technology

    New media arts, science and technology
    Interactive/visual theatre, neurobiological base of acting, digital/wearable cinema
    Artificial intelligence-based art practice, web art and postmodernism
    Using analysis of artworks in conjunction with AmI to produce novel objects
    Using AmI to promote the creativity of a human user
    Autonomic sensor networks and wearable computers in the performing arts
    Computer vision and optical tracking for music and dance performance
    Cognitive intelligence and natural intelligence for the arts
    Collaborative distributed environments
    Evolutionary art systems that create
    Evolutionary music systems that create musical pieces/sounds/instruments/voices
    Choreographing media for interactive virtual environments
    New Art and aesthetics
    Social and ethical issues in the arts and technology
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-09-10
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