Conference Information
GlobalSIP 2018: IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing
Submission Date:
2018-06-29 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Anaheim, California, USA
Viewed: 13249   Tracked: 6   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
We invite symposium proposals for the sixth IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP) which will be held in Anaheim, CA, on November 26-28, 2018. GlobalSIP is a flagship IEEE Signal Processing Society conference that focuses on signal and information processing with an emphasis on up-and-coming signal processing themes. The conference features world-class plenary speeches, distinguished symposium talks, tutorials, exhibits, oral and poster sessions, and panels. GlobalSIP is comprised of co-located General Symposium and symposia selected based on responses to the call-for-symposia proposals. Topics include but are not limited to:

    Signal and information processing for
        communications and networks, including green communications
        optical communications
        forensics and security
        energy, power systems, smart grid
        neural networks, deep learning
        genomics and bioengineering (physiological, pharmacological and behavioral)
    Image and video processing
    Selected topics in speech processing and human language technologies
    Human machine interfaces
    Multimedia transmission, indexing, retrieval, and quality of experience
    Selected topics in statistical signal processing
    Cognitive communications and radar
    Graph-theoretic signal processing
    Machine learning
    Compressed sensing and sparsity aware processing
    Seismic signal processing
    Big data and social media challenges
    Hardware and real-time implementations
    Other (industrial) emerging applications of signal and information processing.

Symposium proposals should contain the following information: Title; duration (e.g., full day or half day); paper length, acceptance rate; name, address, and a short CV (up to 250 words) of the organizers, including the technical chairs (if any); a 1-page or 2-page description of the topics to be addressed, including timeliness and relevance to the signal processing community; names of (potential) members of the technical program committee; invited speakers' names; a draft call for papers. Please pack everything together in a single pdf document. More detailed information can be found in GlobalSIP2018 Symposium Proposal Preparation Guide.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2018-06-16
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