Conference Information
ICCAI 2019: International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics
Submission Date:
2019-11-08 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Medan, Indonesia
Viewed: 13429   Tracked: 8   Attend: 3

Call For Papers
The 4th International Conference on Computing and Applied Informatics (ICCAI) 2019, is going to focus on all the major aspects in the fields of computing and applied informatics. It would be great beneficial for researchers, scientist, engineers, students and practioners from both academica as well as industry to discuss, share, exchange and to extend their knowledge, view and experience in respective fields. We believe ICCAI 2019 will be instrumental in generating ideas and disseminating information to a greater extent than is possible through more conventional forums.

We invite the submission of all papers related to Computer, Computing, and Information Technology in Health & Medicine, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanity, Sciences, and Engineering. The topics are (but not limited to):

    Artificial Intelligence
    Augmented Reality
    Big Data
    Computational Fluid Dynamics
    Computational Mechanics
    Computational Modeling
    Computer Graphics
    Computer in Medicine and Biology
    Computer Network
    Computer in Social Science
    Data Mining
    Data Warehousing
    Data Visualisation
    Geographic Information System
    Human Computer Interaction
    Image Vision
    Information Security
    Machine Learning
    Natural Language Processing
    Natural Language Generation
    Natural Language Understanding
    Numerical Analysis
    Semantic Web
    Smart City
    Socio Informatics
    Software Engineering
    Software in Sicence and Engineering
    Text Mining
    Virtual Reality
    Web Mining

All accepted paper will be invited for Oral Presentation. Only presented paper will be included in the Conference Proceeding which will be submitted to Scopus for indexing

Author Guidelines

Paper submitted to ICCAI must follow the format below.

    Microsoft Word templates

    LaTeX2e class file

Please make sure your paper have followed the format. Editors have the right to reject papers that does not follow the format properly.

ICCAI does not tolerate any misconduct related to the manuscript submitted to the journal. Editors of ICCAI have the right to perform a proper and fair investigation should any complaint is reported. While the issue will be discussed with the author(s), the investigation process may be performed with or without the involvement of the author. This action can be perfomed even after the article has been published.

The steps of the reviewing process are as follows:

The page limit for regular (full) is six (6) pages. Please use the extra page in full papers for addressing the comments of the reviewers, make your figures large enough to be legible, and to comply with all formatting requirements. Please note that extra pages will be charged USD 20 per page.


The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Originality and Plagiarism

Authors should ensure that their work is original and does not use other’s works without using a proper citation. Editors are responsible to perform plagiarism checking and have the right to reject or retract manuscript indicated with plagiarised content.

Multiple, Redundant or Concurrent Publication

Manuscipt submitted to ICCAI must not submitted to other conference or journal. Submitting the same manuscript to more than one journal/conference is considered as an unethical publishing behavior. Editors have the right to reject or retract any manuscript submitted to other conference or journal.

Review Process

The steps of the reviewing process are as follows:

    Author submit its paper through conference's web page (
    Editors perform a preliminary review to ensure the paper is according to format, using a proper English language, and pass the plagiarism check.
    Editor distributes the papers to selected steering committee. Each paper will be reviewed by 2 reviewers.
    Reviewers review each paper based on ICCAI guideline and send the result to Editors.
    Editors forward the result to correspoding author.Reviewers result is sent to author
    If necessary, author should fix its paper based on the review note. Paper should not be changed more than 30% of its content
    Author send its final (camera ready) manuscript. If needed, editor is allowed to perform minor changes. Editor is also allowed to ask the author to fix the error and re-send the manuscript
    One of the author is asked to present the paper on the conference day. Only presented papers will be published.
    A right management form will be sent to author. Author are obligated to complete the form before having their paper published.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-10-20
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