Conference Information
iAIM 2017: International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies
Submission Date:
2017-07-31 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Bangalore, India
Viewed: 8987   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
IEEE Bangalore Section in association with AP/MTT Joint Bangalore Chapter announces an International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies (iAIM-2017). This conference will take place during 24-26 November 2017 at Sterlings Mac Hotel, Bangalore, India. iAIM-2017 will provide a forum to researchers, engineers and industry experts to present and discuss recent research breakthroughs, technical advancements and new findings in Antennas for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite applications. Main objective of the iAIM-2017 is to bring the synergy between the industry and academia. iAIM-2017 will include invited talks, tutorials from international experts, industrial and academic exhibits, and contributory paper presentations on antenna design and measurements. Eminent speakers from International Space Agencies, Defense establishments, National Research Organizations, Academia and Industries will deliver talks and tutorials in this conference. During this three-day international event, fore-noon sessions will have Workshops, tutorials, invited talks and panel discussions and afternoon sessions will comprise presentations from contributory authors in the form oral and poster presentations. Dedicated session on Antenna Standards, Antennas for 5G, and Antennas for Humanitarian Technology is also planned along with formation of Special Interest Groups working on Antenna Standards, 5G and Humanitarian Technology. Participants will be from various labs of ISRO, DRDO, BEL, NAL, other R&D organizations and Academic institutes.All accepted papers and posters will be published in IEEE Xplore as part of the conference proceedings.

General Topics (But Not Limited to):

    Advanced Phased Array Antennas
    Next Generation Reflector/Reflect Arrays
    Active Antennas, Embedded/Wearable Antennas
    Antennas for 5G,Antennas for Humanitarian Technology
    Satellite & Mobile Communication Antennas, Navigation Antennas,Remote Sensing & Metrology Antennas
    Next Generation Ground Station Antennas, Base Station Antennas, Smart Antennas
    Next Generation Aircraft and shipborne Antennas
    SAR, Radiometer, Scatterometer & Altimeter Antennas
    Antennas and seekers for defense Applications, Antennas for EMI/EMC Applications
    Next Generation Multiple Beam Antennas, Reconfigurable Antennas
    Antennas for Inter satellite Links, Energy Harvesting Antennas
    mm wave & THz Quasi-optical Antennas, Conformal antennas
    Ultra Wide Band antennas, Multi-band antennas
    UHF band Antenna Technology
    Dielectric Resonator Antennas,Computational Electromagnetics
    RFID,Passive Microwave Devices, RFIC,MMIC
    Next Generation Antenna, Radome & RCS Measurement Techniques (Near Field/Far field/ Compact Range/Outdoor)
    IEEE Antenna standards for Measurements & 5G

Authors are invited to contribute original research papers which can be submitted electronically via the conference website (Please see the  Paper Submission page). The papers that are accepted after review, registered and presented in the conference will be published in the Proceedings of IEEE iAIM 2017 and IEEE Xplore.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-07-01
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