Conference Information
NanoCom 2024: ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication
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Milan, Italy
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Call For Papers
Nanotechnologies empower the scientific and engineering communities with groundbreaking tools, enabling them not just to interface with existing systems at their most fundamental levels—the sub-atomic and molecular scales—but also to forge new paradigms harnessing physical phenomena inherent in micro- and nano-scales. From pioneering ultra-high-performance computing systems built on extensive chip networks and quantum computing and communication architectures, to revolutionary healthcare solutions and human-enhancement technologies rooted in synthetic biology, the spectrum of applications is vast. Achieving these advancements necessitates interdisciplinary collaboration, with teams bridging the realms of material science, physics, biology, chemistry, medicine, electrical and computer engineering, and computer science.

The 11th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (ACM NanoCom 2024) continues the legacy of its ten previous editions by uniting experts ready to break barriers and bridge gaps across disciplines, both in academia and industry. ACM NanoCom 2024 aims to showcase novel research results and breakthrough ideas, while also identifying directions for short- and medium-term exploitation. Contributions encompassing both theoretical and experimental research are encouraged. The conference will feature keynote presentations at the forefront of this interdisciplinary field, alongside contributed and invited papers, work-in-progress papers, and demo presentations.

ACM NanoCom 2024 is endorsed by the Technical Committee on Molecular, Biological, and Multi-Scale Communications of the IEEE Communications Society.

We invite submissions in areas including (but not limited to) the following:

    Electronic, photonic, electromagnetic (terahertz, optical), and acoustic nanoscale computing and communication, including:
        Innovative device concepts for signal generation, modulation, radiation, detection, filtering, and amplification
        Propagation and photothermal modeling of nanoscale electronic, photonic, electromagnetic, and acoustic signals
        Signal processing, communication, and networking protocols
    Molecular computing and communication in biological, chemical, or mechanical environments, including:
        Molecular computing and communication component design, integration or reprogramming through synthetic biology
        Propagation modeling of molecular information inside and outside of the biological environments
        Signal processing, communication, and networking protocols
        Semantic molecular communication and information, channel modeling, and DNA encoding
    Quantum computing and communication, including:
        Design and modeling of quantum computing and communication architectures
        Communication theoretic approaches for quantum communication
        Quantum communication protocol design
    Multi-modal interfaces between nanoscale electronic, photonic, electromagnetic, acoustic, and molecular systems, including mechanisms, devices and protocols.
    Simulation tools and experimental platforms for nanoscale computing and communication, including early reporting of data-sets
    Integration of nano- and macro-scale communication systems
    Applications: Internet of Nano-Things and Bio-Nano-Things, nanosensor networks, systems-on-chip, nanomedicine, tissue engineering, medical and non-medical applications, nanonetworks in exotic materials such as functional meta-surfaces, and meta-materials
    Disease-oriented solutions to diagnose and/or treat specific pathologies, such as neurodegenerative disorders, Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy, cognitive impairments, motor disorders, cardiovascular pathologies, gastrointestinal diseases such as Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreas or colon cancer, to name a few.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-04-06
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