Conference Information
HSS 2017: International Conference on Humanities and Social Science
Submission Date:
2017-02-17 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shenzhen, China
Viewed: 11274   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
2017 2nd International Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS2017) will give you the opportunity to present and discuss their ideas, theories, technologies, systems, tools, applications, work in progress and experiences on all related theoretical and practical issues.

More specifically, HSS2017 will be focusing on the following topics and their applications. Topics of interest include but not limited to:

✦ Eastern philosophy(东方哲学)
✦ Western philosophy(西方哲学)
✦ Marxist philosophy(马克思主义哲学)
✦ Metaphysics(形而上学)
✦ Esthetics(美学)

✦ Theoretical jurisprudence(理论法学)
✦ Science of history of law(法律史学)
✦ Domestic legal science(国内法学)
✦ International Law(国际法学)
✦ Legislative science(立法学)
✦ Rechtsdogmatik(法律解释学)
✦ Sociology of law(法社会学)
✦ Comparative law and foreign law(比较法学和外国法学)

✦ Culture-Sociological(文化社会学)
✦ Applied Sociology(应用社会学)
✦ Historical Sociology(历史社会学)
✦ Sociological methodology(社会学方法论)

✦ Principles of Pedagogy(教育学原理)
✦ Preschool education(学前教育)
✦ history of education(教育史)
✦ Educational Technology(教育技术学)
✦ Higher education(高等教育学)
✦ Adult Education(成人教育学)
✦ Education Law(教育法学)
✦ Curriculum and teaching theory(课程与教学论)
✦ Comparative Education(比较教育学)
✦ Vocational and technical education(职业技术教育学)
✦ Special Pedagogy(特殊教育学)
✦ Teacher education(教师教育)
✦ Distance learning(远程教育)

✦ Developmental psychology(发展心理学)
✦ Learning psychology(学习心理学)
✦ Personality psychology(人格心理学)
✦ Sensory and perceptual psychology(感觉与知觉心理学)
✦ Comparative psychology(比较心理学)
✦ Physiological psychology(生理心理学)
✦ Cognitive psychology(认知心理学)
✦ Gender Psychology(性别心理学)
✦ Social psychology(社会心理学)
✦ Cultural psychology(文化心理学)
✦ Evolutionary psychology(进化心理学)
✦ Clinical psychology(临床心理学)
✦ Preschool children psychology(学前儿童心理学)
✦ Behavioristic psychology(行为心理学)
✦ Criminal psychology(犯罪心理学)

Sports Science(体育科学)
✦ Motion morphology(运动形态学)
✦ Exercise physiology(运动生理学)
✦ Sports biochemistry(运动生物化学)
✦ Sports Biomechanics(运动生物力学)
✦ sports medicine(运动医学)
✦ Sports psychology(运动心理学)
✦ Sport Philosophy(体育哲学)
✦ Sports statistics(体育统计学)
✦ Sports history(体育史)

✦ Oral literature(口头文学)
✦ Written literature(书面文学)
✦ Network literature(网络文学)
✦ Ancient literature(古代文学)
✦ Modern literature(近代文学)
✦ Contemporary literature(现代文学)
✦ Euro-American literature(欧美文学)
✦ Chinese literature(中国文学)
✦ Japanese Literature(日本文学)
✦ Latin American Literature(拉美文学)
✦ Romantic Literature(浪漫主义文学)
✦ Realistic literature(现实主义文学)

Journalism and Communication Science(新闻传播学)
✦ Journalism(新闻学)
✦ Radio and Television Journalism(广播电视新闻学)
✦ Advertising studies(广告学)
✦ Editing and publishing(编辑出版学)
✦ Communication Studies(传播学)
✦ Media creativity(媒体创意)
✦ New media and information network(新媒体与信息网络)

✦ Art theory(艺术学理论)
✦ Music and dance(音乐与舞蹈学)
✦ Drama and film and Television Studies(戏剧与影视学)
✦ Fine Arts(美术学)
✦ Design Studies(设计学)

✦ Historical Theories and History of Historical Science(史学理论及史学史)
✦ archaeology and museology(考古学及博物馆学)
✦ historical geography(历史地理学)
✦ Historical documents study(历史文献学)
✦ Special history(专门史)
✦ ancient history of China(中国古代史)
✦ Chinese modern and contemporary history(中国近现代史)
✦ World History(世界史)
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-01-14
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