Conference Information
EBCCSP 2016: International Conference on Event-Based Control, Communication and Signal Processing
Submission Date:
2016-03-20 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Krakow, Poland
Viewed: 11057   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Event-based control & systems

    Event-based and self-triggered control,
    Continuous and periodic event-triggered control,
    State-feedback and output-based event-triggered control,
    Event-based PI and PID controllers,
    Event-based control over networks,
    Decentralized event-triggered control,
    Distributed event-triggered control,
    Distributed event-triggered control for multi-agent systems,
    Event-based state estimation,
    Control systems with Lebesgue sampling,
    Lyapunov sampling for event-driven controllers,
    Event-based intermittent control,
    Generalized predictive event-triggered control,
    Discrete-event systems

Event-based communication, computing & systems

    Event-based and time-triggered communication architectures,
    Event-based protocols,
    Flexible time-triggered protocols and architectures,
    Event-based fieldbuses,
    Event-based real-time systems
    Controller Area Networks (CAN),
    Complex events detection,
    Event-based wireless sensor and control systems,
    Event-triggered and self-triggered real-time task scheduling,
    Performance evaluation of event-based communication systems,
    Event-based and adaptive sampling,
    Cost-aware sampling,
    Adaptive sampling and sleep mode,
    Intelligent sampling,
    Design of event-based sampling criteria,
    Event-based spatial and spatio-temporal sampling,
    Intelligent event-driven sensors,
    Send-on-delta data reporting strategy,
    Event-based communication systems modelling and design,
    Event-based control applications
    Programming Languages,
    Software Engineering,
    Security & Privacy,
    Big Data & Data Management,
    Intelligent Systems,
    Distributed & Parallel Computing,
    Cloud Computing

Event-based signal processing & systems

    Event-driven signal processing chain,
    Event-driven signal processing theory,
    Event-driven data acquisition,
    Event-driven analog-to-digital conversion techniques,
    Adaptive-rate analog-to-digital conversion,
    Level-crossing analog-to-digital converters,
    Event-driven filters, Event-driven adaptive filters,
    Clockless and self-timed circuits and architectures,
    Spectral analysis of event-triggered sampled data,
    Asynchronous Delta modulation,
    Asynchronous Delta modulator implementations,
    Event-based signal reconstruction methods,
    Event-based signal processing applications,
    Intelligent event-driven sensors,
    Continuous-time digital signal processing,
    Event-driven computing,
    Biologically-inspired event-driven systems,
    Spike-event generation,
    Event-driven visual attention,
    Event-driven vision sensing,
    Dynamic Vision Sensor (DVS) systems,
    Frame-free event-driven vision systems,
    Address-Event Representation (AER) protocol and interface,
    Event-driven convolution processors,
    Event-driven stereo vision

Discrete Event Systems

    Formalisms and modeling methodologies: Petri nets, automata, statecharts, process algebras, max-plus algebra, queuing networks
    Control of discrete-event systems: supervisory control; real time control
    Performance evaluation, optimization, scheduling
    Diagnosis, fault detection, test, identification
    Hybrid systems
    Applications: manufacturing systems, communication protocols and systems, transportation systems, office and home automation, urban automation, smart grid, large-scale distributed systems, healthcare systems, software engineering
    Electronic Design Automation of software tools to support operation of large-scale distributed systems such as manufacturing systems, building automation, highway automation, urban automation
    Computer tools for DES modelling, synthesis, analysis
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-02-23
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