Conference Information
ICETDM 2016: International Conference on Electronics Technology and Data Mining
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Hong Kong, China
Viewed: 10258   Tracked: 6   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
 ICETDM 2016 is accepting manuscript submissions now. We have three parts in our submission of the conference: Call for Paper、Call for Special Sessions and Call for Poster. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft papers by easychair or email. The submitted paper can be in MS WORD format or PDF format.

All submissions are subject to a double blind peer review process. Accepted submissions will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

Call for Papers

Papers dealing with Electronic Technology and Data Mining will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings and presentation at the conference, including but not limited to:

Topic A:Electronic Technology
Electronic Devices in Communications
Software Engineering in Electronics
Electronic Circuit Technology
Silicon Integrated Circuits and Manufacturing
QoS Provisioning and Architectures
Antennas - Design, Modeling and Measurement
Microwave Circuits - Systems and Applications
Computational Electromagnetics

Topic B:Electrical engineering and Electrical supply
Electric machines and electric apparatus
High voltage and insulation technology
Power electronics and power transmission
Electrical theory and new technology
Electronic equipment
Automation of electric power systems
Thermal power plant automation

Topic C: Data Mining Foundations
Theoretic foundations
Novel models and algorithms
Mining emerging data types
Mining mixed and multi-source data
Mining complex sequential data
Mining spatial and temporal data
Mining textual and semi-structured/unstructured data
Parallel, distributed and combined data mining

Topic D: Mining in Emerging Domains
Mining multi-agent data and agent-based data mining
Security, risk, cost, impact, trust and repeatability etc.
Mining linkages, networks and communities
Mining the Internet and social networks
Financial data mining
Opinion and sentiment analysis
Mining imbalanced data
Mining graphic data

Call for Special Session

The ICETDM 2016 Program Committee is inviting proposals for Special Sessions (possibly Workshops). The special sessions are expected to provide an overview of the state-of-the-art in a given area and highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to ICETDM attendees.

Special Session Requirements

Special sessions should be comprised of 5~8 invited papers. It is encouraged that the session begins with an overview paper on the topic being addressed and remaining papers follow up with technical contributions on the topic.

The following information should be included in the proposal:

    Title of the proposed special session.
    Names/affiliation of organizers (including brief bio and contact info).
    Session abstract (state significance of topic and rationale for proposed session)
    List of invited presenters, tentative titles and abstracts for each paper

All proposals should be submitted to ICETDM 2016 Special Session Co-Chairs. Proposals will be evaluated based on the timeliness of the topic and relevance to ICETDM 2016, as well as the qualifications of the organizers and quality of papers in the proposed session.

If a proposal is accepted, all papers in the proposed special session will be reviewed as regular papers to ensure that contributions are of highest quality. If more than two papers in the special session are rejected, the remaining accepted papers will be moved to the regular technical program. So the papers for special sessions are due the same day as regular paper submissions.

Call for Poster

The ICETDM 2016 Poster Program provides a forum for researchers to present work that is in progress and not sufficiently mature for a regular paper submission quite yet. Posters are typically summaries of ongoing work that authors present to gain feedback from the community about the research. In addition to having a two-page article in the Conference Compendium, authors will create a large poster summarizing their work and will be available to discuss it during the poster session.

Because posters only appear in the Conference Compendium, they are not considered as archival publications and thus can have subsequent full papers submitted to the other future conferences or journals.

Poster Session

Authors of accepted posters are required to bring an explanatory hardcopy poster for display during the scheduled poster session, and be available for discussion at that time. Accepted authors who wish to also show demos of their work are encouraged to also bring a laptop to the poster session. There will be a limited number of stations for showing videos during the main poster session. Authors who wish to show a live demo but can not provide their own machine should contact the posters chairs in advance of the submission deadline to discuss the logistics. All authors who plan to show live demos or video should clearly indicate this fact in their submissions. Authors are also required to present a very brief one-minute summary of their poster at a short preview session in the conference.

Poster Requirements

    Poster authors must submit a 2 pages summary in the same two-column format as is required for papers, and an optional draft of the poster layout (in pdf format).
    The poster should have the following information: title, author list, affiliation, ICETDM 2016 paper number (if you have one), and some information about your work (a couple of representative figures, or an abstract, or a combination of both).
    Those who intend to show demos are highly encouraged to also submit an accompanying video. Clearly identify the type of your submission by including the prefix "Interactive Poster" in the title of your summary.
    You should prepare your poster well in advance of the conference and bring all of your printed poster materials to the conference. The poster size should be about the 900*600mm.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2016-07-09
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