Conference Information
APPT 2015: International Conference on Advanced Parallel Processing Technology
Submission Date:
2015-04-19 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Jinan, China
Viewed: 13207   Tracked: 2   Attend: 1

Call For Papers
APPT is a biennial conference on parallel and distributed processing. Following the success of its past ten conference series, APPT-15 will continue to provide an exciting forum for scientists and engineers in academia and industry to exchange and discuss experiences, new ideas, and results related to parallel and distributed processing, including specific technologies on big data processing, parallel architectures and systems, parallel software, parallel algorithms and applications, distributed and cloud computing, and so on.

Specific technologies on big data processing
  -Big data applications and corresponding features
  -Programming models and tools for big data applications
  -Parallel algorithms for big data processing
  -Analysis techniques and tools for big graph processing and data centers;
  -Systems and tools for big data processing
  -Micro-architecture, storage, and energy management for big data processing
  -Parallel architectures and systems

Architectures for instruction-level, chip-level, thread-level and data parallelism
  -Special-purpose architectures and accelerators
  -Optimization on memory hierarchy
  -Network and interconnect architectures
  -Interconnect architectures for multicore
  -Parallel I/O and storage systems
  -Power-efficient architectures
  -Architecture and compiler support for big data computing
  -Software bridging computing segments, from mobile systems to data centers
  -Embedded computing systems
  -Parallel and distributed embedded and control systems

Parallel software
  -Parallel programming languages, models and compilers
  -New parallel programming paradigms
  -Domain-specific languages for parallel systems
  -Multicore runtime systems
  -Operating systems and virtualization for multicore and clusters
  -Resource management for parallel systems
  -High availability, reliability and fault tolerance
  -Scalability issues in parallel software and systems
  -Performance modeling, analysis and tuning tools
  -Programming environments and tools
  -Parallel embedded software

Parallel algorithms and applications
  -Massively parallel applications
  -Fault-tolerance of algorithms
  -Optimizations of communication and synchronization protocols
  -Network algorithms, Scheduling and load balancing
  -Scientific applications
  -Applications using multicore and/or GPUs

Distributed and cloud computing
  -Reliability, availability and security in distributed and cloud systems
  -Distributed and cloud storage systems
  -Distributed and cloud infrastructure technologies
  -Distributed caching, and query processing
  -Workload characterization of cloud systems
  -Managing, debugging, and diagnosing of cloud systems
  -Peer-to-peer computing
  -Grid computing
  -Pervasive and mobile computing architectures
  -Security in networks and distributed systems
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-04-17
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