Conference Information
BDAICT 2020: International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Technology
Submission Date:
2020-06-16 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Changsha, China
Viewed: 8119   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

2020 International Conference on Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Technology (BDAICT2020) will be held during June 20-21, 2020 in Changsha, China. We would like to invite you to join us in this important event and share your recent advance development and research finding in Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Technology to all attendees. We're looking forward to seeing you in BDAICT2020.

Call For Papers

BDAICT2020 submissions should be in the fields of but not limited to:
Big Data Models and Algorithms / Big Data Architectures / Big Data Management / Big Data Security and Privacy / Big Data in Smart Cities / Big Data Search, Mining, and Visualization / Big Data Technologies, Services and Applications / Artificial Intelligence / Biometric Identification / Computational Intelligence / Cognitive Processing / Humanoid Robot / Intelligent Information Processing / Machine Learning / Pattern Recognition / Algorithm Design and Complexity Analysis / Computation Theory / Computer Algorithm / Complex Network / Information Processing / Information Security / Software Verificatio / Software Engineering / Mathematical Modelling / 3D printing / Architectures, protocols, and algorithms to cope with mobile & wireless Networks


The original, unpublished and creative research papers in related fields of Big Data, Artificial Intelligence and Computer Technology will be highly welcomed.
1. Language: Submissions in English will be acceptable.
2. Paper Length: Each full paper should be more than 4 pages after editing according to the paper template.
3. Reviewing: All papers will be reviewed by the main editor of this conference or be peer reviewed by the TPC Members.
4. Plagiarism: Plagiarism is forbidden. The author will bear all the consequences.

Submission via Email: (2000yuan/per)
Last updated by Nanly Liu in 2020-06-08
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