Conference Information
ESLsyn 2015: Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference
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San Francisco, California, USA
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Call For Papers
The Electronic System Level Synthesis Conference ESLsyn focuses on automated system design methods that enable efficient modelling, synthesis, exploration and verification of systems from high-level specifications down to lower level implementations.

Authors are invited to submit their manuscripts on five topics related to the design and verification of complex, programmable electronic products, and not limited to:

    The development of product architectures and specifications, including the incorporation and configuration of IP
    The mapping of applications onto a product platform, including hardware/software partitioning and processor optimization (High-Level Synthesis)
    The creation of pre-silicon, virtual hardware platforms for software development
    The automated synthesis of hardware and software implementations for a given architecture
    The development of formal methods for verifying hardware and software

Within this scope, ESLsyn addresses:

    Cyber-Physical and Embedded Systems/Platforms related to ESL design flows
    High-Level/Behavioral/Architectural Synthesis for hardware design in cooperation with ESL design flows
    Embedded Hardware and Software Synthesis that is used as part of ESL design flows.

The above list is not an exhaustive list of topics addressed by ESLsyn; contributions related to ESLsyn problems in general not listed here are highly welcome. Submissions may be theoretical scientific papers, research in progress, case studies, tool use cases and best practice, as well as industry experiences.

Submission requirements

Authors should submit full papers (up to 6 pages, double-column IEEE format) in PDF format through the web based submission system: Submitted papers should be anonymous, are required to describe original unpublished work and must not be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The conference proceedings will be published in electronic form with an ISSN and ISBN number and made available on the ECSI website and submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore.
Full submission requirements, templates and submission instructions can be found at paper-submission-kit. Selected best papers from several ESLsyn conference editions will be published in a book by SPRINGER.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2015-03-22
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