Conference Information
PACLING 2019: International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics
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Hanoi, Vietnam
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Call For Papers

PACLING 2019 will be a high-quality, workshop-style conference whose aim is to promote friendly scientific interaction relating to computational linguistics among Pacific Rim countries.

The emphasis of the conference is on interdisciplinary scientific exchange demonstrating openness towards original high-quality research including one which might fall outside current dominant schools of thought, and on technological transfer within and across the Pacific region.

The conference represents a unique forum for scientific and technological exchange, being smaller than ACL and COLING, and more regional with extensive representation from the Pacific.

PACLING 2019 will take place on October 11-13, 2019 at Hanoi, Vietnam.


Substantial, original, and unpublished research is welcome on any topics in computational linguistics, including, but not limited to the following:

    Phonology and Phonetics
    Morphology and Morphological Analysis
    Syntax and Syntactic Analysis
    Semantics and Semantic Analysis
    Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis
    Spoken Language and Dialogue
    Language ResourcesCorpora and Corpus-based Language Processing
    Text and Message UnderstandingText and Message GenerationInformation Extraction and Text Mining
    Information Retrieval and Question-Answering
    Text SummarizationLanguage Learning
    Machine Translation
    Natural Language Interfaces
    Semantic Web and Semantic Computation
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2019-05-07
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