Conference Information
TSP 2021: International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing
Submission Date:
2021-05-13 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Viewed: 26496   Tracked: 7   Attend: 2

Call For Papers
The 2021 44th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) will be organized virtually during July 26-28, 2021. The TSP 2021 Conference will focus on all areas of telecommunications and signal processing. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Information Systems

    Customer relationship management (CRM)
    Cyber security, and others
    Data warehouses and data mining
    Enterprise systems (ERP)
    Information system design and development
    Knowledge engineering and discovery
    Knowledge extraction and search
    System integration in economic environment

Network Services

    Ad-hoc networks
    Big data and related topics
    Internet and cloud computing
    Multimedia services and telematics
    Network management and security
    Network service design, development, and others

Network Technologies

    4G LTE, 5G networks and architectures
    Communication protocols
    Cryptographic algorithms and protocols
    Grid networks and services
    Mobile and wireless network technologies
    Network theory
    Optical networks
    Quality of service, and others

Telecommunication Systems

    Embedded systems
    Energy-efficient communication protocols
    Infrastructures and protocols for smart grids
    Measurement, monitoring and diagnostics
    Power management for telecommunication equipment
    System design and development
    Virtualization techniques, platforms and solutions, and others

Modelling, Simulation and Measurement

    Analytical models of communication technologies and systems
    Antennas design and modelling
    Electromagnetic compatibility
    Model-driven design and development
    Network monitoring, performance and quality evaluation techniques
    Network simulation and measurement techniques
    Radars, propagation, and measurements
    Traffic and workload control, and others
    UWB systems & technology

Signal Processing
Analog Signal Processing

    Active devices, circuits, and applications
    CAD tools and SoC design
    Cellular neural networks and array computing
    Circuit theory and numerical methods
    Communication circuits and systems
    Fractional calculus, fractional-order circuits’ synthesis and analysis
    Low-voltage and low-power circuits, MOS-only circuits
    Memristive circuits and devices
    Nonlinear signal processing & chaos
    Power and energy circuits and systems
    VLSI systems and applications, and others

Audio, Speech and Language Processing

    Acoustic modeling and source separation
    Analysis, coding, recognition and synthesis of audio, music, speech and language
    General language modeling, mining, and spoken dialog systems
    Speech production and perception
    Spoken language detection and modeling, and others

Biomedical Signal Processing

    Biocomputing and biochips
    Bioinformatics, biomechanics, biorobotics
    Biomedical metrology
    Biomedical sensors and systems
    Biometrics and related topics
    Electromagnetic fields in biology and medicine
    Health monitoring devices
    Wearable & implantable technologies, and others

Digital Signal Processing

    Adaptive and non-linear signal processing
    Array signal processing
    Digital filters and filter banks
    DSP algorithms and applications
    Multidimensional signal processing
    Signal analysis, transform, and reconstruction
    Signal processing for smart sensor and systems
    Social signal processing and affective computing, and others

Image and Video Signal Processing

    Computer vision
    Digital television, DVB, DAB, DMB
    Image and video analysis, segmentation, and tracking
    Image filtering
    Morphological processing
    Pattern recognition
    Watermarking, and others
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2021-05-09
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