Conference Information
SSTD 2025: International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases
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Osaka, Japan
CCF: c   CORE: a   QUALIS: b1   Viewed: 24903   Tracked: 36   Attend: 8

Call For Papers

The 19th International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Data (SSTD) expands its scope beyond traditional databases to embrace the broader and rapidly evolving landscape of spatial and temporal data. While previous editions focused on foundational database systems and techniques, this year’s symposium welcomes research that addresses the full spectrum of challenges and innovations in managing, analyzing, and leveraging spatial and temporal data. We invite contributions spanning data management, analytics, mining, machine learning, visualization, and real-world applications across diverse domains, reflecting the growing significance of spatial and temporal data in today’s data-driven world. This expanded scope aims to foster interdisciplinary discussions and accommodate emerging trends where spatial and temporal data intersect with cutting-edge technologies.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following in the context of spatial, temporal, and spatio-temporal data.

    Spatial Foundations
        Spatial and temporal data models, representations, and standards
        Computational geometry algorithms
        Theoretical frameworks and complexity analysis
        Spatial approximation, sampling, and compression strategies
        Topological, geometric, and semantic relationships
    Spatial Data Mining, Machine Learning, and Analytics
        Foundation models and LLMs for spatial data
        Data warehousing and decision support
        Pattern recognition, clustering, and outlier detection
        Predictive modeling and forecasting
        Integration of deep learning and Geo-AI techniques
        Recommender systems
    Spatial Statistical Analysis
        Spatial autocorrelation and regression models
        Spatial point process analysis
        Geostatistical methods
        Bayesian models
        Analysis of spatial heterogeneity
        Spatio-temporal statistical methods
    Data Management and Storage
        Data types and query languages
        Database design and conceptual modeling
        Storage and retrieval techniques
        Access methods and indexing
        Query processing and optimization
        Distributed and cloud-based architectures
        Stream processing and real-time indexing
        Moving objects applications
        Methods for data integration and harmonization
    Spatial Networks and Graphs
        Transportation and mobility analytics
        Network modeling and route optimization
        Graph-based techniques
        Sensor networks
    Geographic Information Retrieval (GIR)
        Spatially-aware search engines
        Geotagging and geographic text analysis
        Location-based information retrieval
        Integration of spatial and textual data
        Ontologies and taxonomies
        Semantic analysis of geographic entities
        Spatial-keyword search
    Visualization and Interaction
        Novel visualization techniques
        Human-computer interaction
        AR/VR environments and immersive visualizations
    Quality, Uncertainty, Fairness and Privacy
        Data quality assessment and cleaning
        Handling uncertainty and incomplete data
        Privacy-preserving methods
        Data bias, fairness, transparency
    Applications and Emerging Domains
        Location-based services and social networks
        Experiments and performance evaluation
        Smart cities and urban planning
        Public health and emergency management
        IoT-based sensor networks
        Computer vision for spatial data
        Crowdsourcing and user-generated content
        Indoor spaces and mobility
        Spatial quantum modeling
        New hardware platforms
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-01-22
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