Conference Information
ICSSC 2017: International Conference on Smart Sustainable City and Big Data
Submission Date:
2017-05-07 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Shanghai, China
Viewed: 14831   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
As the flagship conference in the region and being featured with world-class lectures, this conference (4th International Conference on Smart and Sustainable City) will provide a unique forum for researchers, engineers and educators interested in the research area of Smart City, Big Data and Internet of Things, etc. to learn about recent progresses, to address related challenges and to develop new methods, applications and systems. The conference, to be held on June 5-6, 2017 in Shanghai, the largest city of China, is co-organized by IET Shanghai Local Network, IEEE CIS Shanghai Chapter, Baden-Württemberg International, Shanghai University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Fudan University, Tongji University and Donghua University. This conference is strongly supported by the State of Baden-Württemberg of Germany. The proceedings of the conference including all the accepted and IET standards compliant papers will be published by IET. The proceedings will be included in IEL (IEEE/IET Electrical Library) and Ei INSPEC while being submitted to Ei Compendex which has indexed all accepted papers of the last three editions of this flagship conference.


Papers are solicited for, but not limited to, the following areas:

Track 1: Internet of Things and Sensing

    Internet of Things, Sensor Network for Urban Issues
    Video Sensor Network, Video Analysis and Pattern Recognition
    Optical Sensor Network, Wireless Sensor Network and Broadband Wireless Technology

Track 2: Big Data and Urban Computing

    City Related Big Data Technologies, Urban Computing Platform for City Issues
    Urban Sensing and Urban Computing, Collection and Mining of Urban Heterogeneous Data
    Cooperative Computation of Urban Heterogeneous Data, Expression and Visualization of Urban Data

Track 3: Social Network Analysis and Data Mining

    Heterogeneous Data Exploration of Geographic Social-cultural Indicators
    Urban Knowledge Discovery Methodology from Urban Data
    Social Mobility Analysis, High Efficient Processing for Urban Data

Track 4: Connected Vehicles and Smart City

    Vehicular Networking and wireless communications
    Cooperative Driving, Intelligent and Autonomous Vehicles
    Smart Transportation and Connected Vehicles

Track 5: Modeling and Simulation of Complex City

    GIS and 3D Modeling of City, Multi-scale Geometry and Visualization
    Simulation of Urban Infrastructure, Physics-based Simulation with Human Behavior
    Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, User Interface Design, Human-computer Interaction

Track 6: Renewable and Clean Energy for Smart City

    Renewable and Clean Energy Technologies for Smart and Sustainable City
    The Smart Grid as an Enabler for Low Emission Technologies
    Smart Technology for Sustainable Cities, Life Cycle Management of Smart City

Track 7: Applications for Smart City

    Urban Security and Public Safety Technology
    Internet of Things Technologies and Applications for Smart Community and Smart Pension
    Smart Applications for Governance, Economy, and Other Related Areas

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to send full-length, 4-6 page papers, including figures and references, to the conference website ( following the Instructions for Authors. All papers will be handled and reviewed electronically. Check the conference website for update. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2017-05-06
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