Conference Information
INTECH 2020: International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology
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Luton, UK
Viewed: 15028   Tracked: 1   Attend: 0

Call For Papers

The First International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2011) was held at Sao Carlos in Brazil followed by the Second International Conference on Innovative Computing Technology (INTECH 2012) at Casablanca in Morocco. The INTECH 2013 and INTECH 2014 were organized at London and Luton, UK respectively. The INTECH 2015 was organized by the Atlantic Research Centre for Information and Communication Technologies of the University of Vigo, Spain. The INTECH 2016 was at Dublin, Ireland followed by the INTECH 2017 at Luton, UK. The INTECH 2020 will be held at London and it offers the opportunity for institutes, research centers, engineers, scientists and industrial companies to share their latest investigations, researches, developments and ideas in area of Innovative Computing Technology, which covers huge topics.

The INTECH intends to address various innovative computing techniques involving various applications. This forum will address a large number of themes and issues. The conference will feature original research and industrial papers on the theory, design and implementation of computing technologies, as well as demonstrations, tutorials, workshops and industrial presentations. This conference (INTECH 2020) will include presentations of contributed papers by invited keynote speakers.
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Conference papers will include innovative computing paradigms in the following topics:

    Innovative Computing Systems and Applications in S & T domains
    Algorithms Applied Information Systems
    Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems
    Big Data
    Cloud Computing
    Computational Intelligence
    Data and Network mining
    Data Stream Processing in Mobile/Sensor Networks
    Database Systems
    DNA computing
    Enterprise Content Management
    Edge Computing  
    Emerging Areas in Computing 
    Evolutionary computing
    Green Computing
    Human-Computer Interaction
    Intelligent Data Processing
    Multimedia and Interactive Multimedia Payment Systems
    Multi-scale Computing
    Machine Intelligence
    Optimization algorithms
    Quantum computing
    Real-Time Systems
    Soft Computing: Fuzzy and Neural Network Systems
    Visualization and Modeling
    Virtual Reality Visualization
    WWW Applications and Technologies 

The INTECH proceedings will also be indexed by dblp. All the papers will be reviewed and the accepted papers in the conference will be submitted  for indexing and will be indexed in many global databases. In addition, all the accepted papers (for Journals) will be published in the following special issues journals after substantial revision and modification.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-30
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