Conference Information
ICHCI 2014: International Conference on Human Computer Interaction
Submission Date:
2014-07-11 Extended
Notification Date:
Conference Date:
Budapest, Hungary
Viewed: 12588   Tracked: 0   Attend: 0

Call For Papers
Our conference provides a chance for academic and industry professionals to discuss recent progress in the area of Human Computer Interaction.

Topics of Conference

The main topics include but will not be limited to: (Excellent surveying works in these areas are welcome, too.)

Access to education and learning
Access to mobile interaction
Access to online communities and eServices
Access to the Web
Accessibility guidelines
Accessible games
Active Safety
Adaptive and augmented interaction
Adaptive and personalized interfaces
Agent Based Modeling & Training
Alternative I/O techniques
Ambient intelligence
Analysis and design methods
Architectures and tools for universal access
Architectures for interaction
Career Opportunities
Cognitive Modeling
Comfort, Lift & Reach Modeling
Computer Aided Ergonomics Analysis
Computer augmented environments
Computer based learning
Context awareness
Cultural Issues and Usability
Data Mining
Design for All best practice
Design for All education and training
Design for All methods, techniques and tools
Design for Limited Mobility Users
Digital Visible Human
Driving Safety and Human Performance
Ecological interfaces
Economic Impact
Economics of universal access
Education and Competence of Usability Professionals
Emotions in HCI
Engineering Systems & Healthcare Delivery
Evaluation methods and techniques
Evaluation of Accessibility, Usability, and User Experience
Gesture and eye gaze based interaction
Graphical user interface
Guidelines for Tool Selection
HCI standards
Healthcare IT & Predicting Adoption
Historical Perspectives
Home and entertainment systems
Human Centered and User Centered Design Process
Impact Biomechanics
Implicit Interaction
Information visualization
Intelligent and agent systems
Interaction design
Interaction Qualities
Interaction techniques, platforms and metaphors
Interaction through wireless communication networks
Interfaces for distributed environments
ISO and Regional Standards for HCD and UCD
Management of HCD and UCD
Medical Simulations
Modality independent interaction
Modeling Fundamentals and Methods (and Anthropometry)
Motion Prediction and Motion Capture
Multimedia design
Multi sensory interfaces
Non verbal interfaces
Posture Prediction and Analysis
Privacy issues in sensor-augmented environments
Safety Systems Integration
Short-term and Long-term Usability
Simulation and Optimization
Smart artifacts and smart environments
Social Impact of Usability
Speech and natural language interfaces
Supercomputing Applications
Support for creativity
System of Systems
Tangible user interfaces
Transportation Human Factors
Usability and Usefulness
Usability Certification and Accreditation
User and context modeling and monitoring
User interface development environments
User support systems
Verification and Validation
Virtual Physiological Human
Visualization methods and techniques
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2014-06-20
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