Conference Information
MobiWIS 2025: International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems
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Istanbul, Turkey
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Call For Papers
The areas of the Web, mobile technologies, and information systems have been following a continuous and steady development over a number of years through the innovative research and practices of researchers, developers and practitioners from academia, industry, governmental and scientific organizations. The International Conference on Mobile Web and Intelligent Information Systems (MobiWis) aims to enable synergy between these areas and provides the premier venue to present and discuss latest research and developments related to research issues of the mobile web and the engineering of intelligent and innovative mobile systems and services.

The conference comprises a set of carefully selected tracks that focus on the particular challenges regarding mobile Web and intelligent information systems. Topics of conference include (but not limited to):

Smart and Intelligent Systems

Architectures and models, Smart homes and smart objects, Intelligent web applications, Intelligent sensing, Smart transportation, Smart public spaces, Monitoring and assessment (as in healthcare), Smart system design and implementation, Energy efficiency.

Software Design and Development

Mobile application development; Software for mobile web; Mobile website design; Software for smart devices; Software for embedded platforms; Requirements analysis and design; Mobile software testing/evaluation; Modelling of mobile systems.

Middleware and SOA

SOA models; Web services; Microservices, Containers, Semantic web; Service composition & mashup; Middleware for mobile services; Search and discovery; Monitoring of services; Ontologies in mobile web; Agents and mobile web.

Pervasive/Ubiquitous Applications

Software design, Scalability, Security, Privacy, Trust, Performance modelling and evaluation, Network and communication, Location-awareness, Context and Situation-awareness, Sensor networks, Reliability and fault tolerance.

Data Management

Data models and architectures; Query Processing; Mobile Transactions; Workflow Management; Performance and reliability in data management; Managing pervasive data; Data mining; Pay as you go data management; Data streaming .

Security, Trust and Privacy

Access Control; Anonymity; Authentication ; Data protection; Database security; Privacy; Security and trust policies; Security, privacy, and trust in data outsourcing; Trust management and reputation systems; Usability and security.

Mobile Commerce and Services

Business models and architectures; Business process management; Mobile payment methods; Mobile advertising and marketing; M-commerce case studies; Intelligent technologies for M-commerce; M-commerce and social networks.

Transforming Technology

Transformation; Change Typology; Persuasive Technology; Transforming Design; Socially Influencing Systems; Behavior Change; Computer-Supported Influence; Sustainable Wellbeing; Transforming HCI; Nudging; Gamification..

HCI in Mobile Applications

HCI Design methods; tools and techniques for mobile applications; devices and services; Multimodal interaction design; Intelligent and adaptive user interfaces; Mobile accessibility; Interaction methods; Alternative interfaces for mobile devices such as touchscreens.

Context/Location-aware Services

Context-aware services; Context models and reasoning techniques; Context-awareness in smart cities; Quality of context; Context-aware data analytics; Location-aware services; Context-aware mobile applications, Adaptive mobile applications.

Network and Communication

Cellular and mobile communications; Mobility protocols; Mobility modeling and management; Performance evaluation; VANET; Testing and monitoring of mobile applications; Fault tolerance of mobile services; Mobile content delivery networks.

Industrial Applications and Demos

This track invites papers which report work on practical and industrial applications. It also invites researchers, developers and practitioners to bring and demonstrate hands-on experiences of various functional prototypes and systems. 
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2025-02-04
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