Journal Information
Software & Systems Modeling (SoSyM)
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Aims and scope

Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM) is a bi-monthly international journal (published in English) that focuses on theoretical and practical issues pertaining to the development and application of modeling languages and techniques for software, as well as engineered and natural systems and processes. The aim of the journal is to publish high-quality works that (1) further understanding of the theoretical and foundational underpinnings of modeling languages and techniques, (2) present rigorous analyses of modeling experiences, and (3) introduce scalable modeling techniques and processes that facilitate rigorous and efficient development and understanding of software and systems. SoSyM encompasses several communities involving modeling languages and techniques, such as Model-Driven Engineering, Modeling and Simulation, or Data Engineering.

The journal is unique in its emphasis on theoretical foundations of modeling languages and techniques, and on rigorous analyses of "real-world" modeling experiences. The balance of theoretical works and works based on in-depth analyses of experiences offers insights to researchers that can inform future investigations into better modeling languages and techniques, and provides modeling practitioners with a deeper understanding of modeling languages and techniques that can lead to more effective application.

The journal targets researchers, practitioners and students who have a vested interest in results generated by high-quality modeling research and by rigorously analyzed modeling experiences. We invite authors to submit papers that discuss and analyze research challenges and experiences pertaining to software and system modeling languages, techniques, tools, practices and other facets. The following are some of the topic areas that are of special interest, but the journal publishes on a wide range of software and systems modeling concerns:

    Domain-specific models and modeling standards
    Model-based testing techniques
    Model-based simulation techniques
    Formal syntax and semantics of modeling languages such as the UML
    Rigorous model-based analysis
    Model composition, refinement and transformation
    Software Language Engineering
    Modeling Languages in Science and Engineering
    Language Adaptation and Composition
    Metamodeling techniques
    Measuring quality of models and languages
    Ontological approaches to model engineering
    Generating test and code artifacts from models
    Model synthesis
    Model development tool environments
    Modeling Cyberphysical Systems
    Data intensive modeling
    Derivation of explicit models from data
    Case studies and experience reports with significant modeling lessons learned
    Comparative analyses of modeling languages and techniques
    Scientific assessment of modeling practices

More information can be found at, which contains recent editorials, as well as information about the submission process for different paper categories (such as regular survey/overview, and special themes).
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-21
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