Journal Information
Call For Papers
I am writing this letter to welcome your contributions to our open-access journal with the aim of broadening the dissemination of information and challenging results in all aspects of Robotics with impacts on science and technology and ultimately in societal development and welfare. The journal is focused on the theory, design, and practice of robots in traditional fields of application, as well as in new domains with new users. Together, we can make our journal a forum for the research and design of Robotics with a view towards the future.

Aims and Scope

Robotics aims to provide an international forum to report the latest developments in robotic systems, autonomous behaviors, multi-sensor fusion, learning algorithms, system modelling, control software, smart actuators, service applications, and human–machine interaction.

Special emphasis is given to technological innovation and real-world applications.

The scope of Robotics includes but is not limited to:
History of robotics;
Intelligent robotics, mechatronics, and biomimetics;
Novel and biologically inspired robotics;
Modelling, identification, and control of robotic systems;
Biomedical, rehabilitation, and surgical robotics;
Exoskeletons, prosthetics, and artificial organs;
AI, neural networks, and fuzzy logic in robotics;
Multimodal human–machine interaction;
Wireless sensor networks for robot navigation;
Multi-sensor data fusion and SLAM;
Service robotics, industrial robotizations, space robotics;
Sensorization, robot navigation, communication robotics;
Swarm robotics, mobile and flying robotic systems.
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2020-03-18
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