Journal Information
Design Studies
Impact Factor:
Call For Papers
Design Studies
The Interdisciplinary Journal of Design Research

Mission Our mission at Design Studies is to foster contemporary discourse and discoveries in the field of design. We commit to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and champion inclusivity in academic contributions. We welcome submissions from a diverse spectrum of individuals and perspectives globally. We invite an engaged community of authors to advance design through research, scholarship and creative practice.


Design Studies is a leading international academic journal dedicated to the comprehensive examination and discourse of design.

The editorial aim is to publish work that is relevant to a broad audience of researchers, educators, and practitioners. We welcome original scholarly research papers concerned with the process, perspectives and outcomes of designing in all its application areas. Insights into the process of design from experimental or empirical research, the design of objects, environments, and systems and their impacts on society and the environment, and critical theory and analysis should galvanize thought leadership and community.

Design Studies fills a unique niche among design publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between theoretical and practical modes of inquiry, to produce critical understandings of design practice and its effects in society through the following distinctive aims.

    Foster Interdisciplinary Design Discussions: Create a space for interdisciplinary discussions on fundamental design elements, including process, cognition, and philosophy, while emphasising research, theory, and innovative outcomes.

    Explore Design's Theoretical Evolution: Assess the history and future of design by examining its development and contributing to future practices, focusing on rigorous research approaches

    Critically Analyse Design Practices: Encourage critical evaluations of design methodologies and outcomes, including ethical, social, and environmental considerations.

    Embrace Diverse Design Contexts: Examine design within various cultural, socio-economic, organisational and political settings, highlighting its impact on social change, sustainability, and community empowerment.

    Expand the Design Conversation: Welcome a wide range of contributions, including practical case studies, theoretical explorations, and methodological critiques, to engage in a comprehensive design discourse.


Design Studies seeks to expand the boundaries of design knowledge and practice. We invite authors to submit papers that not only challenge traditional norms and methodologies but also promote a forward-thinking and inclusive dialogue within the design community. Our scope encompasses a wide range of design domains, including but not limited to engineering design, industrial design, product design, systems design, innovation, and current design thinking paradigms within the overarching research context.

Design Studies welcomes articles on a wide range of topic areas across design's core facets centred on the main aims of the journal.

Design Theory
• Design Process
• Philosophy of Design
• Design Conceptualisations and Perspectives
• Design Thinking

Design Research and Methodology
• Design Research Methods
• Interdisciplinary Design Research
• Co-Design

Design Practice
• Practice-led Design Research
• Design Innovation
• Design Justice

Design Education
• Design Pedagogy
• Design Teaching and Learning
• Design Dialogue

Design Impact
• Human Factors in Design
• Design Manufacturing and Materials
• Product Engineering
• Design Sustainability
Last updated by Dou Sun in 2024-07-14
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